14. Reunited

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Two Days Later

Y/n had woken up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, she tried to get up from the bed, but felt a sharp pain on the right side of her waist. This caused her to wince in pain as she looked outside the window with such despair. Remembering what had happened that night, she could only lay back in bed and sigh. The young lady began to ask herself, "When will I ever see Michael again? Will I ever make it out of here alive?". She stared at the bedroom ceiling for a good while disassociating, and rethinking her choices. It wasn't until a knock on her door made her come to her senses. Y/n simply said, "Yes?", the person behind the door asked, "May I come in?". The young lady recognized that voice, she responded back to them, "Yes you may". The door knob turned slowly as the figure came in, it was Henry. Y/n simply ignored his presence, knowing she was still in such a delicate state, she remained still laying in bed. As he approached her side of the bed, he eared his throat to speak to her. "Ms. L/n, you've been in deep sleep these past two days", the young lady did not speak, she was so upset and furious at him. Henry continued speaking, "Now, I know you are very upset as to what I did. I merely did this to contain you here-". Y/n had cut off Henry saying, "You are an idiot thinking I'd want you", he was a bit shocked hearing her speak.

Henry adjusted his tie as he said, "Regardless, I need you to get dressed, I can't have you be seen in your nightgown". The young lady gave him a death stare, as she responded, "What for? Can't you see I'm still in fucking pain?". He turned his back towards her as he responded, "I'll have the maids help you". And just like that he walked out of her room, without further warning.

A Couple of Minutes Later

Henry's maids had came into her room, to get her all dressed up knowing she was still in agonizing pain. One of the maids set down a box next to Y/n, as the other two helped the young lady to sit up carefully. Once she was situated, the maid had opened the box for Y/n to see what was inside. It was another dress, one much different from the others. She only sighed as the maids got to work, helping her change from her nightgown into the new dress she was given. Along with doing her hair and her makeup, as if nothing had ever happy to her. She showed no emotion, she only wanted to be free, to be able to see Michael and his parents who dearly loved her.

 She showed no emotion, she only wanted to be free, to be able to see Michael and his parents who dearly loved her

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(Once again I liked the style of the dress and you may choose a different color!)

A Couple of Hours Later

Y/n was all done, as she stood in front of the mirror to look at herself, the maids fixed up her dress and gave her some pain killers to calm down the pain. She only looked at the pills, as she waited for the maids to leave, she set the down next to the nightstand. The young lady was overwhelmed with so much emotion that she began to cry, covering her face with the palms of her hands. She begged to leave this horrid estate. After what seemed like hours, she was able to calm herself down. Wiping away the tears and fixing her makeup slightly. Just then, a knock on the door startled her, she only said, "Come in". The door knob would creak slightly as it was Henry again, the young lady did not bother to turn around. Thought for Henry, had something to say, "Are you ready?". The young lady only nodded, Henry then grabbed her arm as he looked down to her saying, "Come on".

The young lady was holding Henry's arm as he escorted her to a different hallway she never recognized. Y/n wasn't able to think as her wound began to hurt once more. Each step more would cause her to wince quietly, but she managed to pull herself together. Finally, they both have arrived to a huge pair of dark wooden doors. Henry looked at Y/n saying, "Go", as he opened one of the doors. The young ladies eyes had trouble adjusting to the bright sunlight that came from the windows. But as her eyesight managed to adjust, to see why Henry told her to go, she gasped.

Michael's POV

My parents and I waited patiently in the room, as we heard the door being opened, and as I got a better view I was able to see Y/n. I couldn't believe it, she was standing right in front of me, like a beautiful angel. I couldn't contain myself as I ran towards her, my eyes becoming teary. She also gasped as she saw me, she took a few steps only to stop as she held her right side of her waist. Y/m had fallen to the ground, as she cried in pain. I knew something was off, but I will have to ask later why that is, as I reached out to her, I kneeled pulling her carefully in for a tight hug making sure I don't hurt her. Her arms giving me a tight embrace as she cried out to me, "Michael! I missed you so much!". I too couldn't help but cry as I have a kiss on the cheek multiple times responding back to her, "Y/n! I missed you too! I'm here don't worry you are safe". I was beyond relieved to finally see her and hold her. Y/n was sobbing so much, I couldn't bear to hear her sorrows, I knew she was under so much distress. And it hurts my heart knowing that Henry would do such a thing to my love. My parents were also relieved to see her, especially my mother, who sat on the couch but quickly stood up, ran towards us and gave us a big hug. My father sighed as he saw Y/n, he too walked up to us and gave us a hug. I'm so happy to see her.

Normal POV

As they all held Y/n, Henry simply stood there ignoring them. He only waited patiently for the Afton's to stand up, both Michael and Mrs.Afton carefully helped Y/n to get up from the ground. She kept her hand on her wound as she took heavy breaths. Michael looked worried, as he looked at her hand, slight being stained red. His eyes had widened as he looked at Henry. He spoke to him sternly, "What did you do to her?", Henry only smirked as he responded, "It's only a slight scratch on her, besides I wouldn't allow her to to be in such perfect condition, oh no". William also looked at Henry with such anger as he shouted at him, "You laid your hands up on her! Knowing she was in a vulnerable state!". Michale spoke, "Tell me exactly what the hell you did to Y/n!". Mrs.Afton was worried what could occur as she held the young lady. Noticing her eyelids became heavy, and her breathing only getting heavier.

Michael demanded for Henry to answer him as his father now stood next to him preparing themselves just in case. Henry adjusted his tie as he answered, "I stabbed her". Michael's eyes had widened as he was shocked to hear what he had done to Y/n. Michael was furious, he wanted to kill Henry for hurting the young lady, and taking full advantage of her being in a delicate state. William had shouted at Henry with such frustration, "You are an imbecile! You kidnapped Y/n taking her to this horrendous estate and have caused her so much emotional and physical abuse! And I will never let this slide so easily no". Just then, Y/n whispered to Michael breathing heavily, "Michael...I can't...", before she could say another word, her body gave up on her, completely passing out. Both Michael and Mrs.Afton held on to her delicate body making sure she didn't collapse on to the floor. Michael began to panic as he noticed her dress was stained in her own blood. He spoke to Y/n, "No! No! Y/n please hold on! Please don't go!". Mrs.Afton began to sob trying to put pressure on the young woman's wound. Henry looked down at Y/n, as William took the opportunity to pull out his gun and pointed it directly on his head.

"You are dead to me Henry, I will never forgive you for what you did to my daughter in law".

*Gun shot*

Michael caressed Y/n's cheek as he whispered to her crying, "I can't lose you now, please, stay with me".

"I love you so much".

To Be Continued......

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