17. Abide Recuperation

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For the next three weeks, the young lady was recovering from her wound. As Michael continued to help her by bringing her meals, preparing a bath for her and making sure she kept taking her medication. There were times where he would help comb her hair, not because she couldn't but instead he did it out of love. Michael would also learn about skincare, as some days the couple would spend the afternoon pampering in clay masks. Since the Afton's took a note of how their son and Y/n were getting along, William had decided to give the loving couple a room of their own. Where no one would disturb their peace and privacy.

 Where no one would disturb their peace and privacy

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One Day

The young lady was sitting in her new bed, as she wore a black satin pajama set along with her robe. Patiently waiting for Michael, so he could check on her wound. Just then, the door of their bedroom opened, as it was Michael. He peeked inside the room with a smile as he said, "May I dear?". Y/n laughed a bit as she responded, "Of course, come on in love it's our room after all". Michael then entered the room as he proceeded to close the door behind him. Walking up to the young lady, giving her a kiss on the cheek. He then kneeled in front of her, as he said, "How are you feeling dear?". The young lady smiled as she responded to him, "I'm doing great dear, and it's all thanks to you Michael, for taking such good care of me". She placed her hand on his cheek caressing it gently, as Michael was surprised, his eyes brightened as he blushed quite a lot. He cleared his throat as he responded, "O-oh that's nothing my love, I did promise to look after you dear, it's the simple things I can do for you". He smiled warmly as he placed a kiss on her palm. Y/n blushed slightly as her heart melted hearing his words.

Michael then calmed down as he sighed in relief, speaking, "Now, shall I look at your scar dear? Let's see how well it's healing". The young lady nodded in agreement, as she placed her hands beside her. Michael was a bit hesitant to undo her robe, as he looked up at Y/n, she said to him, "Go on dear it's alright". He inhaled sharply as he undid the bow from her robe, revealing her body. She had her matching pajamas, but showed more skin than usual for it was shorts rather than pants. Michael became flustered easily as his eyes wandered to her beautiful legs, then eying up to her thighs. He shook his head as he tried to focus, he lifted her top slightly upwards. Y/n tried not to look at him as it would make her blush, so she would look away. Michael then traced her scar gently with his fingers, this made the young lady giggle. As she said to him, "That tickles dear". Michael laughed nervously, as he pulled her shirt back down. He sighed in relief as he smiled at Y/n, saying, "Well, your scar is fully healed my dear! You are all set to do as you please!".

The young lady was delighted to hear that, she would clasp her hands together and pull Michael for a tight hug. Though when she pulled him, she accidentally placed his head on her chest which made him fluster, but he still hugged her in return with a smile. As the young lady pulled away, she noticed Michael had covered his nose. Y/n tilted her head to the side asking him, "What happened Michael?", he smiled nervously as he responded to her, " Oh! It's just a nosebleed my dear, this usually happens every now and then". The young lady seemed to question him but shrugged her shoulders. Michael then stood up, as he told Y/n, "I'll be right back dear! Let me clean this mess up ok?". The young lady smiled as she nodded at him. He walked into their bathroom gently closing the door behind him.

Michael's POV

I'm glad her scar is fully healed! I'm glad I was able to help Y/n the most I could for her to recover. Now, to address the nosebleed, I can't believe I let myself go off like that! I couldn't help but look at her beautiful physique, and her thighs looked soft like a marshmallow. The way she looked at me when she thanked me for taking care of her, I'd do anything for her to give me such a precious look. Alright, alright! That's enough, I do feel bad for looking at her without her permission, I have to apologize for not respecting her at that moment. I finally got washed up and cleaned my nose and hands, to leave the bathroom.

Normal POV

Michael stepped out of the bathroom as Y/n smiled, waiting for him to come to bed. As he walked up to her, he sat next to her in bed. The young lady noticed his facial expression had changed as she said, "Are you alright dear? Is something bothering you?". Michael held her hands as he responded back, "I would like to apologize for earlier dear, I couldn't help but look at you, I wasn't respecting you and I didn't-". The young lady cut him off as she smiled warmly, "Michael, it's alright, it was your first time seeing me like this, you've been respecting me don't worry. Besides, I know how flustered you get that's why I wore this set! It's cute seeing you flustered!". Michael covered his face as he responded, "Dear! This whole time I've been worried!" . The young lady uncovered his face as she laughed a bit, "There's no need to worry my love, you've done more than enough already, it's alright, you can look at me".

Just then, Y/n pushed Michael gently onto the bed, his back now laying down, as he was confused, the young lady then got on top of him. Which only made Michael a blushing mess, Y/n would smile warmly, as she gave him a kiss. To which Michael completely melted, he felt butterflies in his stomach, as Y/n grabbed one of his hands so he could place them on her waist. The kiss became more passionate, as the tension only grew more. Michael seemed to be breathing heavily, and before anything more could happen. A knock on their door was heard, both Y/n and Michael looked at the door as they replied, "Yes?". It was William, who cheerfully asked, "What are you two lovebirds doing?". Y/n spoke, "Making ba-", Michael cut her off nervously shouting, "Just checking her scar father! Nothing more!". William laughed as he responded, "Alright! Be sure to come down for dinner!". Michael nervously laughed as he responded, "Yes father!". Michael then looked at Y/n, as she giggled,"What? It's funny dear!". Michael only shook his head side to side laughing as he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Such a small lad with big surprises huh?". Y/n laughed a bit as Michael pulled her in for a warm hug, being gentle with her as he gave her multiple kisses on her cheek.

Sike y'all thought it was gonna be spicy huh? Don't worry it's coming up soon!

To Be Continued......

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