16. Recovery

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Back at The Afton Estate

Y/n shook her head side to side, as she felt the comfortable bedsheets wrapped up around her body. She rubbed her eyes as she tried to get up, but her wound wasn't fully healed. The sudden movement caused her to wince slightly, to her surprise, on the right side of her bed. There was a sleepy Michael, resting his upper body on her bed as the rest of his lower body was on a small chair. Y/n smiled as she tried not to giggle, it was the fact that he remained with her throughout the whole night. The young lady ruffled his hair, as he had woken up, Michael was a bit shocked at first. But when he realized that Y/n had woken up he immediately stood up. His eyes glowed as he went to give Y/n a gentle hug. The young lady wrapped her arms around his neck, as she smiled, telling him, "Good morning Michael". He responded back to her, "Good morning my love, I'm so happy to see that you are doing much better". Michael pulled away, now taking a seat next to her, holding both of her hands. The young lady laid her back against a couple of pillows, to keep her wound from hurting so much.

Michael said, "How are you feeling my love?", the young lady responded back to him, "I'm doing much better dear, thank you, but, I'm not sure what happened last night". He simply laughed a bit as he placed a kiss on her hands, "Well Y/n, it's actually been three days since it happened". The young lady gasped as she realized that she's been sleeping for that long. She replied, "What?! I've been asleep this whole time?!". Michael reassured Y/n as he had gotten close to her, responding, "Y/n please don't panic it's alright, you really needed to rest after what had happened to you". She sighed as she looked at him, Michael would smile as he placed a kiss on her head. He went ahead and told her about what happened that night at Henry's Estate. How his father had killed him, and how they managed to escape the estate. All while William carried Y/n in a delicate state, between life and death.

Y/n was quite shocked, she didn't expect to have won the Afton's hearts so fast. To the point where William even killed Henry for what he had done to her. Michael simply rubbed her hands as he continued, "I was worried about you Y/n, but thankfully my father had a doctor on the way back home". The young lady responded, "I know you were Michael, but I'm doing very well now that I'm here with you and your family". Michael gave her a soft gaze, as she blushed slightly, he then had gotten close to her, his hand would caress her cheek. Locking eyes with her as he gave her a loving kiss, Y/n placed her hand on his chest. She was able to feel his heart beating at a fast rate. They both pulled away, as she giggled, Michael laughed a bit as he asked her, "What's wrong?my love". The young lady responded, "Your heartbeat is quite fast Michael, why is that?". He blushed as he replied back, "I'm just very happy you are here dear".

There seemed to be a bit of tension building up between the couple, before Michael would say another word. The door can be heard knocking, Y/n spoke, "Come in". The knob turned as it was Mrs.Afton and William held a tray of breakfast, William was as happy as a bee. He would speak to Y/n, "My! Good morning Y/n? How are you feeling?". The young lady smiled as she replied to him, "Good morning sir, I'm doing much better thank you". William then placed the tray of breakfast next to Y/n, as Mrs.Afton came up to give Y/n a big gentle hug, the young lady knew she wouldn't speak but she knew her own actions make up for the love she has for her. William sat on the opposite side of the bed as Mrs.Afton also sat next to him. Michael smiled warmly seeing his parents and Y/n together, it made him feel better. The young lady spoke to William, "Sir, I would love to thank you for everything you've done for me as well as Mrs.Afton". William smiled as he replied, "Oh it's nothing Y/n, on the contrary I'd like to thank you. For bringing us all together as a happy family, welcome home Y/n". She gave them a warm smile as Michael's parents gave her a big hug.

Michael will remember this moment, seeing his parents treating Y/n with much love and care. Everyone is happy that things are back to normal. Once the parents pulled away, Y/n adjusted herself so she could eat breakfast. But Michael insisted, "No, no I'll feed you". Y/n giggled as she let him do so, both William and Mrs.Afton left the room leaving the couple alone to spend time together. As time went on, Y/n was able to finish her breakfast, while Michael gave her some pills the doctor medicated her to take during the next two weeks.Throughout the whole day,Michael remained with Y/n, taking good care of her just like he promised. He made sure her pillows were comfortable, that she would drink water, take her medicine, and take naps every now and then.

Night Time

The moon was shining brightly, as Y/n was getting ready to head to bed. Michael made some final adjustments, switching her blankets to some new ones and having some warm tea. The young lady now laid in bed drinking some tea, as she waited for Michael. He simply sat next to her in bed, smiling, she finished her tea, as she thanked him. "Thank you so much my love, I really appreciate everything you've done for me". Michael held her hand, as he placed a gentle kiss, then locking eyes with her, "Oh it's nothing my dear, I promised to look after you". She smiled warmly, as he then stood up from her bed. He looked at his watch and then back at her, "It's getting late my love, I'll go ahead and let you sleep Y/n". The young lady felt a bit sad, as he placed a kiss on her head. Before he turned to walk, Y/n held onto his arm, Michael was a bit surprised, as he looked at Y/n. He noticed the sadness in her eyes, as she said, "Please don't leave me Michael, please stay here with me". His heartbeat was beating quite fast, he couldn't stand seeing his love in such a state. Michael smiled as he replied, "I can't leave you alone Y/n, I don't want to see my love upset".

Y/n smiled as he removed his watch, and his tie placing them on the nightstand. Michael then got under the bedsheets next to Y/n, who already laid down. She was happy knowing she wouldn't be alone, she enjoyed his company. Michael smiled warmly as he asked, "Much better my love?". Y/n responded, "Yes, thank you Michael", as she gently moved up to him, resting her head on his chest as her hand laid on his upper abdomen in order to cuddle him. Michael's eyes widened, as he never experienced this sort of affection. He felt butterflies in his stomach, blushing slightly as he whispered to her, "You're welcome my love, anything to make you happy". She giggled as he placed his hand on her waist gently trying not to lay it on her wound. The couple had fallen comfortable with each other's company, this was a big step within their relationship. Both knew they couldn't be without each other, even at night. The lovely couple were now fast asleep within each other's arms, within the warmth of their bodies.

William and Mrs.Afton peaked into Y/n's bedroom slightly not wanting to wake up the couple, William whispered to his wife, "Aww look at them dear, aren't they the cutest?". Mrs. Afton would nod in agreement. Both of the Afton's would then close the door gently as they too went off to bed with such happiness.

"Goodnight my love".

"Goodnight Michael".

To Be Continued......

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