"🌊 Water Breathing🌊"

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Water Breathing Forms:

-First Form: Water Surface Slash (Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri)

-Second Form: Water Wheel (Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma)

-Third Form: Flowing Dance (San no kata: Ryūryū Mai)

-Fourth Form: Striking Tide (Shi no kata: Uchishio)

-Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought (Go no kata: Kanten no Jiu)

-Sixth Form: Whirlpool (Roku no kata: Nejire Uzu)

-Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust (Shichi no kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki)

-Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin (Hachi no kata: Takitsubo)

-Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent (Ku no kata: Suiryū Shibuki - Ran)

-Tenth Form: Constant Flux (Jū no kata: Seisei Ruten)

-Eleventh Form: Dead Calm (Jū Ichi no kata: Nagi)

(Btw the eleventh form was teach by Giyuu that is why he can also use it)

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