"Chapter 2"

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As Hayato said to Shinobu that he will go back in Flower Estate for his injure to be check and change the bandage by Shinobu

-Flower Estate-

Hayato: Excuse me is Kocho Shinobu is here?

Kanae: Oh my! Ishiki-san your here, what do you need?

Hayato: I'm looking for your younger sister Kanae-san since I tell her that I will go back here and for her to check my injure and change the bandage

Kanae: Is that so, Shinobu! 

Shinobu: Why did yo-

Shinobu: H-Hayato-san? 

Hayato: Kocho I'm looking for you for my injure remember? (tilt his head)

Shinobu: Ah! That's right okay follow me

Hayato: Then excuse me Kanae-san (bow his head to Kanae)

Kanae: Okay! 

'Shinobu-chan just call Ishiki-san by his name, maybe Ishiki-san allow Shinobu to call him by his name, kawaii!!' Kanae thought 

-Shinobu's Lab-

Shinou: Come and sit here

Hayato obey and sit in the chair, and Hayato remove his clothe for Shinobu check and change the bandage

After a couple of minutes Shinobu finally done on checking and changing the bandage of Hayato's injure

Shinobu: It looks like you take it carefully then I will allow you to take mission tomorrow since I can see that it is healed but even though please do not be reckless just because you are now healed do you understand Hayato-san?

Hayato: Don't worry I'm not reckless in slaying demons unlike others

Hayato: Then I will go now, Thank you Kocho 

Shinobu: Shinobu

Hayato: Huh?

Shinobu: Just call me Shinou since I call you Hayato and you also call nee-san by her name....

Hayato look at Shinobu and tilt his head who is still wearing his mask

Shinobu: Y-You do-

Hayato: I understand Shinobu... Then I will go now see you again if I ever have injuries (suddenly whisper to himself) but I think it will not be happening since I will not allow it to worry him again... 

And Hayato finally leave and what he doesn't know Shinobu heard what he said about it

'What do you mean you will not allow yourself to get injured again to not make him worry him, who?..' Shinobu thought while he look at the door 

Shinobu: Maybe that guy who is with him when I first time I saw him... sigh...

After Hayato leave he go in Water Estate to visit Giyuu he send a message to his crow to tell to Giyuu that he will go in Water Estate

Hayato: Yuu

Giyuu: (open the door) Haya, let's go inside by the way I cook some foods do you want?

Hayato: (nodded)

And they go inside and eat of Giyuu's food that he cook

Hayato: Good timing I still not eat lunch, thank you Yuu

Giyuu: No problem Haya, you can here anytime, by the way did you go to Flower Estate for you injure?

Hayato: (nodded) Shinobu said that I can now go in mission since my injure is healed but I should not be reckless 

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