"Chapter 7"

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-Shadow Estate-

Hayato: I hope those two will be alright and (look at Kaze)

Kaze: CAW! Hayato-sama you need to go now for your mission CAW! CAW!

Hayato: I know I will just get my things and we will no go

And Hayato prepare for his things for his mission, after minute Hayato finally ready and finally follow Kaze to guide him for his mission

-Natagumo Mountain-

Shinobu: Ne Giyuu-san do you think we can be friend to demons?

Giyuu: I'm just here to kills them

Shinobu: As expected of Giyuu-san~

Giyuu: Shinobu you go in east I will go there

Shinobu: Hai hai~~ Then see you later Giyuu-san and (suddenly whisper) be careful

Even Shinobu whisper her last word for Giyuu he still heard Shinobu and smile and nod

'I know, cause I know that someone will be worry if I don't' Giyuu thought while he go to the demons

-(Village name)-

Hayato: Kaze inform me if you see demon, I will first scout this place

And Kaze fly and scout for the demons nearby

After an hour Kaze get back on Hayato and report about the village

Hayato: Is that so...

Hayato: Good work Kaze (give some food to Kaze)

Kaze: CAW! Thank you Hayato-sama CAW! (eat the food Hayato give)

Hayato: Then let's go and do our plan and see if that demon will come

Then Hayato proceed to go is planned to lure the demon to him so that he can kill and will not be have more any victims from the people in the village

As the time passed Hayato finally start his plan and go to the forest near at the village that said that to those who go there in night they don't comeback because of demons 

'I think I still need to go more so that demons will think I just alone and not a slayer' Hayato thought 

 And while Hayato is walking the demon suddenly appeared and secretly following him to attack him what the demon know that Hayato already scent him and that he was being followed by the demon

'What a pity with this guy (chuckle) I soon I eat him I will be able to be part of Lower Moon and will be more powerful and and one by one climb up on becoming an Upper Moon' Demon thought 

When Hayato is finally far from the village he now start and suddenly vanished when he feel that the demon is distracted on thoughts

Demon: W-What?! Disappeared? (look around)

'Tch.. He suddenly vanished where did he go?' Demon thought and find Hayato

What does the demon know that Hayato is now watching the demon from above 

Demon: Where is that guy? Dammit!

Hayato: I'm here 

Demon: W-What?! 

Suddenly Hayato surprised the demon and cut the demon's head that make the demon surprised

'How this guy appeared behind me?!' Demon thought

Hayato: You are wondering how did I suddenly appeared then I will tell you...

Hayato: Cause your weak, not even worthy of using my breathing (smirk under his mask)

Demon: D-Don't t-tell me?! H-Ha-

Before the demon continue the word he suddenly became ash because of his neck was cut

Hayato: Hashira.. That's right even you are planning to be a Lower Moon you are still not be worth of becoming one of them

Hayato: Kaze

Kaze: CAW! 

Hayato: Is there still some demons near report it to me

Kaze: CAW! None, you can now go back CAW!

Hayato: Is that so, then let's go I will visit the kids in Butterfly Estate since Shino is still with Yuu and have mission

Kaze: CAW! Hai CAW! CAW!

Hayato: And Kaze one more things tell to Aoi that I will visit them and stay there since I know Shino will be back in early morning and tell them that I will be the one who will cook for them

Kaze: CAW! Hai Hayato-sama CAW! 

And Kaze finally go to Butterfly Estate to tell Aoi about what Hayato order to him, and he go in the village again and buy some ingredients for the kids in the Butterfly Estate  and will wait for the two came back

My Shadow Slayer (Shinobu x Male Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now