"Chapter 11"

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And the day passed Hayato go and see Giyuu since he wants him to explain how did he meet those two about the letter that his Sensei and him talking about giving their life if ever Nezuko will eat human

-Water Estate-


Hayato: Yuu are here?

And suddenly the door open he thought it was Giyuu but he see it was Mitsuri the one who open the door

Mitsuri: Hayato-san?

Hayato: Mitsuri what are you doing here and where is Yuu?

Mitsuri: Giyuu was here since he is doing something I just be the one who open the door

Hayato: Is that so then can I come in I need to talk Yuu if I ever did not interupting on something

And Mitsuri let Hayato go inside the Estate and see that Giyuu is washing the dishes

Misuri: Giyuu, Hayato-san is here to see you

When Giyuu finish his dishes he see Hayato and give some tea 

Hayato: Can you tell me what is all about?

Mitsuri: ?? (beside with Giyuu)

Giyuu: What are you talking about

Hayato: About that kid with demon and about you and sensei commiting seppuku, did you already tell it to Mitsuri?

Mitsuri: (shake her head)

Hayato: sigh... Tell us Yuu, but maybe I should also call Shino if she is free today so that she can also know your explanation 

And Hayato go outside and call Kaze to inform if Shinobu is free and if she can go today in Water Estate 

Hayato: Let's wait to see if she can come and start your side about it

Giyuu: (noodded)

After time passed Shinobu finally come and it looks like she has a free time about it 


Hayato: I will get it

And Hayato open the door and see Shinobu 

Shinobu: Haya-kun (smile at hayato)

Hayato: Let's go inside they are also waiting?

'Them?' Shinobu thought and go inside the estate

Shinobu: Ara~ Mitsuri-chan you are also here?

Mitsuri: Shinobu-chan! 

And they finally talk and Hayato tells to Shinobu that the reason why he ask is she can also come here because it is about how he meet Tanjiro and Nezuko nd about the letter that their sensei write about it

After time passed and the three finally understand and know about the story from Giyuu's side about how he meet the siblings and about them and to the former Water Hashira

Hayato: Then how are you two doing? 

Mitsuri: Eh?! 

Hayato: Don't take it in other way Mitsuri what I mean is that how are you two now in short how your relationship with Giyuu?

Mitsuri: A-Ah?! 

Shinobu: (chuckle at Mitsuri reaction)

Giyuu: (look at Mitsuri and smile slightly)

Mitsuri: It is okay, I mean when we have time we go on date or sometimes I let Giyuu come in my estate and be a tester when I'm cooking! (smile at them)

Hayato: How about Obanai? Does he still not accept you relationship?

Mitsuri: He still talk to me but it just sometimes..

Giyuu: I can say that he still hates me because I'm Mitsuri's boyfriend

Hayato: What we can say since Obanai is the first one who meet and knew about Mitsuri and also that guy also like Mitsuri but it is just Yuu is the one who is faster

Mitsuri: E-Eh?!

Shinobu: Don't tell me Mitsuri-chan you don't know that Obanai-kun have feelings for you?

Mitsuri: I-I don't know...

Giyuu: I thought you know it, even I know it since it is too obvious 

Hayato: Even Tokito knows it I can say, but I don't know that you don't about that

Mitsuri: ... I don't about it

Hayato: Ma~ Let's just forget it and time will come when you three will be able to talk to each other

Hayato: Then... It looks like Yuu is lucky on you since he always taste your new dish when you are trying new foods (smile at the two)

Giyuu: Is Shinobu does not cooking something for you or she doesn't know how to cook?

Hayato: (almost spit the tea)

Shinobu just smile at Giyuu and the two know that Shinobu is pissed to Giyuu because he thought that Shinobu does not do cook

Shinobu: Ara~ Tomioka-san from what I know I'm much better than you in terms in cooking not just in having a friends (smile at Giyuu)

Hayato: pfft... 

Mitsuri: (trying to stop herself to laugh)

Giyuu: I don't know that you know how to cook since I thought you are always doing poison and medicine

Hayato: Is she a witch (whisper in himself)

Shinobu: Ara ara~ Hayato-kun I'm not a witch but I'm a Hashira (smile at Hayato)

Mitsuri: pfft... Sorry...

Giyuu: What is funny why you and Haya is laughing?

And when Giyuu ask this Mitsuri and Hayato finally let their laugh go because this two interaction

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