"Chapter 8"

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-Butterfly Estate-

After Hayato's mission he stay in Butterfly Estate and stay with the children's and the sun finally came and Hayato wake up in early in the morning and started to prepare some foods for Shinobu and Kanao since he knows that after they return from the mission they still haven't eat breakfast, that is why he woke in early in the morning before Aoi woke up

After Aoi woke up she saw that Hayato is already awake and she also start her work and prepare some medicine for the patient and clean the things that need to clean and after time passed Shinobu and Kanao finally came home

While  Hayato is training himself since it is routine to train himself in the morning he heard Shinobu's voice that make him think that they are home and they are safe and continue his training

Shinobu: We're back!

Aoi: Shinobu-sama, Kanao welcome home

Kanao: (nod)

Sumi, Kiyo & Naho: Welcome back! Shinobu-sama and Kanao-san (smile at the two)

Shinobu: Thank you~ (patted the three head)

Kanao: (smile softly at the three kids)

Aoi: If you are finding Hayato-nii-san he is training and he also make some breakfast for the two of you before I woke up

Sumi: He also make us food!

Naho: Right!

Kiyo: He even stay here last night and even make us dinner!! 

Shinobu: Is that so?

Aoi: Hai

Shinobu: Then Kanao go first in the dinning room and eat first without me I will just go and check Haya-kun (smile at Kanao)

Kanao: (flips her coin) Hai..

And Shinobu finally go and see Hayato while the others go in there respective place where they are doing their things 

Shinobu: I'm back~

When Hayato is training he suddenly stop when he heard Shinobu's voice and face Shinobu

Hayato: Oh welcome home Shino (smile slightly at Shinobu)

Hayato: How's Kanao? 

Shinobu: I said that to eat first without me since I will see you and need to tell you something

Hayato: Is that so (stop his training and sit)

Shinobu: Here water since I know you need it (smile at Hayato)

Hayato: Thank you (drink the water Shinobu bring to him)

Hayato: So what happen to your mission with Yuu and Kanao?

Shinobu: I can say that we will have a meeting later 

Hayato: I can tell that since Kaze tell it to me that we will have a Hashira meeting, I can tell that you know what will the in the meeting (look at Shinobu)

Shinobu: (nodded) 

Shinobu: It is about a slayer that is carrying a demon with him...

Hayato: (widen his eyes) W-What? Are you serious?

Shinobu: (nodded) And what's more it is like Giyuu-san know those two and even try to protect them and even prevent me from killing the demon, but it looks like they are now captured and it said that Oyakata-sama order that to bring them here 

Hayato: Is that so...

'A slayer carrying a demon and what's more Yuu know them and even make Shino to stop killing the demon... Why does Yuu do that? I will ask Yuu after the meeting how did meet them' Hayato thought 

Shinobu see that Hayato is more calm in the situation and it looks like he suddenly space out a bit

Shinobu: Are you not surprised or angry about what happen? And to what Giyuu-san did?

Hayato: I can say that I'm surprised about that slayer but angry or mad I don't think and to Yuu I know he have a reason on what he is doing and I can say that being surprised and mad will not be answer (smile at Shinobu)

Hayato: Go now and eat you need to eat now and I will go and take a shower and you also take a bath after since you are back from mission 

Shinobu: Okay, then I will eat now see you later (smile at Hayato)

Suddenly before Hayato left he come closer to Shinobu that make Shinobu confused on what will Hayato do to her

Hayato: (whisper to Shinobu's ear) Why don't you come with me and let's take a bath together maybe I can help you to clean Chibi-sama (smirk and patted Shinobu's head) 

And Hayato left Shinobu being blush madly because of Hayato suddenly what he whisper in her ears and also mad because of what Hayato called her in his husky voice

Shinobu: B-B-BAKAAA!! (blush madly)

'Shino is too funny to tease that her reaction is to kawaii~ And her reaction on what I tell her is really funny' Hayato thought while giggle in Shinobu reaction

The kids hear Shinobu scream and wonder what happen but when they see Shinobu's face they already guess what happen and what just Hayato do to make Shinobu scream and being blush like a tomato since they already used it what is happening even the three kids know it since the passed years after Kanae died Hayato is the only one can make pull the real Shinobu's personality or the old Shinobu 

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