"Chapter 5"

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After the day passed and about what happened between the interaction of Hayato with Shinobu while Giyuu is with Mitsuri, many things happened like going back to what they do doing their missions hunting and slaying demons who are being threat to the people in the village or in mountains

A month passed Hayato and Shinobu grow close to each other and that even make Giyuu get chance to chat when he is with Hayato and they are able to bump in a place where Shinobu 

 Shinobu is with Kanae that has a mission in some village that was reported that looks like some demon is that place that is why Kanae and Shinobu investigate and slay for that demon but after that what they don't know they were encounter a demon and what's more it is an Upper Moon 2 and he was able to defeat Kanae and make Shinobu cry for her sister because of it 

The news of the death of Flower Hashira has been spread in the Corps and make them sad and also concerned because of the younger sister of Kanae which is Shinobu who is with her in that mission 

After Hayato hearing the news he quickly finish his mission and go to the Flower Estate to check Shinobu since he become close to Shinobu not to mention he also become comfortable to Kanae since she is like a older sister to him

After traveling so fast to go back in the Flower Estate he immediately ask Aoi where is Shinobu even thought it can't see that the expression that he is wearing because of the mask it can see that he is worried because of Shinobu's condition since she is there when Kanae died

-In Shinobu's room-

Hayato: (open the door and not even bothering to knock)

Shinobu got startled when she saw Hayato open the door and not even knocking

Shinobu: Why ar-

Suddenly before Shinobu ask Hayato why he is here Hayato cut Shinobu and hug her because Hayato know the feeling of someone important died and what's more he also knew who killed Kanae that make him angry because that demon and Hayato swear that next time he saw him he will definitely kill him

Hayato: Don't keep your emotion inside you can cry all you want...

Hayato: I will not anyone disturb it... (patted Shinobu's head)

And when Shinobu hear it she let her emotion and cry all her want not even know that it is was being heard in the mansion the kids who are in the outside who is listening let Hayato to comfort their master 

After an hour crying Shinobu finally stop but still on Hayato's chest sniffing because of crying in an hour

Hayato: (wipe Shinobu's tears) Do you still want to cry or are you done now?

Shinobu: I'm sniff... sorry to show sniff... this side of me...

Hayato: (removed his mask and smile softly to Shinobu) Please look at my eyes Shinobu 

And when Hayato said it Shinobu look at Hayato's eyes and saw that he remove his mask

Hayato: It is not wrong for you to cry... It is okay to cry because we all know that Kanae-san is the most important person to you

Hayato: That is why you should not be sorry okay (patted Shinobu's head)

Shinobu: (nodded her head)

Hayato: I'm here for you... As long as you need someone on your side this time you can always call me and I will immediately come okay 

Hayato: Cause I know that it is what you need right now okay (smile softly at Shinobu)

Shinobu: T-Thank you H-Hayato-kun....

Before Hayato reply to Shinobu suddenly the door open and it was reveal that it is was Mitsuri with Giyuu 

Mitsuri: Shiiinooobuuu-chaaaannnn!! 

Mitsuri run all over to Shinobu and Hayato get out on this because he know what will Mitsuri will do to Shinobu

Mitsuri: Are you okay?!! (notice that Shinobu cried) Are y-you crying?! Do you need anything maybe sweets or water!

Mitsuri: G-Giyuu-san! Can you please bring me some water Shinobu-chan needs it!!

Giyuu: O-Okay... 

Hayato: I will also come.. Let's go Yuu

Giyuu: (nodded)

And after that Giyuu and Hayato left and go to the kitchen and get some water for Shinobu

Shinobu: W-What are you doing here Mi-Mitsuri-chan??

Mitsuri: What are you talking about of course for you because we heard the news about what happened to Kanae-san that is why me and Giyuu-san came here because we are worried to you!!

Shinobu: G-Giyuu-san?? 

Mitsuri: (nodded) Since he knows that you are my friend and you are close to Hayato-san, after he heard the news he tell me that we should visit you since he knows that you are the adult who is alone in the estate and since no adult will there for and he also know that Hayato-san is will be the first one who will be here... (smile at Shinobu) 

Shinobu can't believe what she heard that Giyuu is the one who invite Mitsuri to visit her because of the Kanae's death

Shinobu: T-Thank you Mitsuri-chan.... (smile sadly)

Mitsuri: What are you talking about?!! Of course we are friends that is why I'm here and I'm also worried about but I know that Giyuu-san is also worried about you 

Mitsuri: That is why if you need anything don't hesitate to call me and I will run to come here okay (hug Shinobu) 

After a second Giyuu and Hayato finally arrived and knock and Giyuu give Shinobu the water and she thank it and drink it and calm down

Hayato: Mitsuri do you have anything to do after this?

Mitsuri: I have nothing to do (confused)

Hayato: I think you should stay with Shinobu until tomorrow since you know that no adults are here what Shinobu's have is children and we can have the children stress them out

Shinobu: But I do-

Mitsuri: Okay! 

Shinobu: Huh?! 

Shinobu: You don't have to do it Mitsuri-chan

Mitsuri: No! I know that you need someone in your side right now and it is what you need now 

Giyuu: I think it is okay to rely on us Shinobu for once since we know that you need it right know and in this situation 

Mitsuri: See even Giyuu-san agree! 

Shinobu: (giggle) Okay I understand

Shinobu: Thank you everyone... (smile softly at the three)

And with that Mitsuri stay at the Flower Estate but the two boys also stay in the estate to eat with them in dinner and after that they also left and Mitsuri and Shinobu in the Flower Estate and Mitsuri insist Shinobu to sleep them together in one room at first Shinobu refuse because she is enough thankfull on staying here but when Mitsuri please her with puppy eyes she can't say no because she knows that she can't refuse Mitsuri when she begged like that and Shinobu also knows that Mitsuri just want to make her okay and worried about her that is why Mitsuri is like that

That is why eventually Shinobu also give up on this and let Mitsuri to sleep with her and before they sleep since Mitsuri know that Shinobu will not be able to sleep early they talk about anything and also talk about Hayato that make Shinobu blush on it and being tease since Mitsuri feel that Shinobu has a feelings with Hayato but Shinobu also tease Mitsuri back with saying that how is the process between Mitsuri and Giyuu cause she knows that ever since Giyuu visit Mitsuri they become close and become friends 

And they talk many things and tease each other and make them able to sleep peacefully because of it and Shinobu is thankfull on Mitsuri and to the two boys because they are here for her and to support her

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