"Chapter 4"

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After Hayato visit Shinobu he go back to his estate and rest and also wait for Giyuu about his visit to the Love Hashira

-Love Estate-

Giyuu: Kanroji are you there?

And suddenly the door open and Giyuu see that it was Mitsuri the one who open it

Mitsuri: Tomioka-san! You are here

Giyuu: (nodded)

Mitsuri: Welcome! Come inside (smile at Giyuu)

And Giyuu go inside Mitsuri's estate

Giyuu: Ahh... That's right Kanroji here (give the snack that he buy in Village)

Mitsuri: Woah! Thank you Tomioka-san let's eat it in dinning room

And Mitsuri guide Giyuu in her dinning room with the mochi Giyuu buy for her and also serve some tea for the two of them while eating the snack Giyuu bought

Mitsuri: You don't need to buy this to me Tomioka-san

Giyuu: No, I want to give it to you it was my thank you for inviting me to eat together and also I think in talking to me....

'Kyaa!!! Tomioka-san just give this to me for that!!' Mitsuri thought while blushing

Giyuu: Did you not like it?....

Mitsuri: No no! I like it Tomioka-san it is my favorite!! (smile brightly at Giyuu)

Giyuu: Then I'm glad to brought you your favorite food

Mitsuri: I'm surprised that you buy my favorite Tomioka-san!

Giyuu: Giyuu

Mitsuri: Huh?

Giyuu: Giyuu...

Mitsuri: Is there something wrong Tomioka-san?

Giyuu: From now on call me Giyuu....

Mitsuri: (widen her eyes) It is r-r-really o-okay Tomioka-san?!

Giyuu: (nodded) That is why from now on just call me Giyuu.... It is wrong??

Giyuu look like a lost puppy in front of Mitsuri that cause her blushing because of it

'Kyaa!! Tomioka-san is so kawaii!! He looks like a lost puppy!!!' Mitsuri thought while look at Giyuu

Mitsuri: Then G-Giyuu-san.... (suddenly blush)

When Mitsuri call Giyuu by his name he suddenly get blush slightly but he doesn't notice it but Mitsuri notice it when he blush sligthly when she call Giyuu by his name

'D-Did h-he just blush?!!! Giyuu-san just blush!!!' Mitsuri thought while shocked when she notice Giyuu blush

Giyuu: T-Thank you... Kanroji (slightly smile)

Mitsuri: Y-You just smile Tom-Giyuu-san?!! 

Giyuu: I did not smile maybe you just see something...

'Giyuu-san is so kawaii when he smile!!!' Mitsuri thought while blushing

Mitsuri: No you just smile I saw it!! And also I think you can also call me Mitsuri since I call you Giyuu-san...

Giyuu: (widen his eyes) A-Are you okay with it??

Mitsuri: (nodded)

Giyuu: T-Then M-Mitsuri..... (look away at Mitsuri)

Mitsuri: (widen her eyes and blush madly)

Giyuu: Ahh.. That's right maybe in the future we can chat again or eat together just the two of us or maybe I will invite Haya to join us...

Mitsuri: I-I think it sounds good!!

Giyuu: Then maybe I can assume that we are now... Friends...

Mitsuri: O-Of course Giyuu-san!! (smile sweetly to Giyuu)

'Kyaa!! When Giyuu-san said that in the future we should eat or chat again just the two of us I suddenly thought of the date!!' Mitsuri thought while blushing

And after that they talk and also they got to know each other and after that Giyuu finally leave and say goodbye to Mitsuri

-Water Estate-

Hayato: Yo

Giyuu: Haya your here?

Hayato: (nodded)

Giyuu: Let's go inside

And then Hayato and Giyuu go inside in the Water Estate

Hayato: So how's the visit with Kanroji did you meet her?

Giyuu: (nodded) We also chat and eat together the mochi I brought

Hayato: Is that so then I'm glad (smile at Giyuu)

Giyuu: How about you?

Hayato: I think it is okay and I think I make her uncomfortable because I suddenly patted her head... and we also talk a lot but I think everything went fine how about you any progress or something?

Giyuu: Is that so, well I let her call me my name and she also let me to call her Mitsuri and I also tell that sometime the two of us eat together again or chat or maybe I should also invite you sometimes and I can tell that Mitsuri is really a kind person and I think.... K-Kawai... (look away at Hayato)

Hayato: (widen his eyes) Is that so then I'm glad to hear it because you are opening your heart to someone and I can tell that Kanroji is a kind person (smile softly at Giyuu) but I think you are like developing some feelings or something to her...

Giyuu: I don't know but when she call my name I suddenly felt my heart beat fast and I think I get flustered a little bit when she call my name... And I felt happy when she call me Giyuu and when I also call her Mitsuri I don't what this feeling but I hope it will....

Hayato: It will not I'm here that is why you should not worry about it okay 

Giyuu: (nodded) Thank you as always Haya...

Hayato: Don't sweat on it I also want to thank you because you also here to support me.... 

-Love Estate-

Mitsuri: Giyuu-san is so kawaii when he smile and blush I did not expect him to blush when I said his name... 

Mitsuri: Kyaa!! I Giyuu-san is so handsome when he smile... What should I do I can't get out Giyuu-san in my mind when he blush and smile and also when he told me that in the future about me and him eating together or chatting just the two of us....

Mitsuri blush madly when she remember what happen when Giyuu visit her and when they talk 

Mitsuri: D-Did I just fall in love to Giyuu-san?! W-Wait... But I can't get Giyuu-san in my mind how should I face him tomorrow when see bump on each other or when we have a Hashira meeting!!

Mitsuri get confused and panic on what she should do when she face Giyuu again tomorrow

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