"Chapter 6"

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Year passed after Kanae's death and Shinobu is now the master of the former Flower Estate that is known now as Butterfly Estate and she is now titled as Insect Hashira and as the year passed their is also joined the Hashira as the youngest and that is the Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito 

As the year passed Shinobu and Hayato are now in a relationship like Mitsuri and Giyuu even thought the Serpent Hashira, Obanai Iguro was disagree with Mitsuri having relationship with Giyuu or being close to him because some of them know that Iguro also like Mitsuri but Giyuu beat him 

Shinobu, Mitsuri, Hayato and Giyuu become close and they also hangout together when they have no mission 

-Butterfly Estate-

Hayato: Shino in the evening you will go to Oyakata-sama with Yuu right? 

Shinobu: (nodded)

Hayato: It looks like you will have a mission with Yuu (smile while looking at the sky)

Shinobu: I think your right, but I wonder where will be the mission that need two Hashira hmmm...

Hayato: I don't know but be careful you and Yuu and comeback here safe (look at Shinobu)

Shinobu: (look at Hayato) Of course we will, it looks like you are really worried about me and Giyuu-san (smile at Hayato)

Hayato: No.. I'm more worried to Yuu because he is with you sigh... I'm worried what will happen to Yuu after his mission with you (shake his head)

Shinobu: (pout) Mouu~~ Your so mean to me, you should worried about me not to Giyuu-san and do you think I will do something to Giyuu-san rude hmpp (look away at Hayato)

After Hayato tease Shinobu he chuckle on her reaction because Hayato really likes to tease Shinobu when it comes to Giyuu since Hayato know that Shinobu always tease Shinobu about being a not social to other people 

After Hayato being with Shinobu he learns now to show some emotion to the people in Butterfly Estate and also to Mitsuri but not with others he only show emotions to the people who are close to him but if that person if not that really close he will talk to that people without emotion and while wearing his mask

Hayato: Sorry sorry, it is just your reaction when I tease you is just kawaii that is why I can't resist it (patted Shinobu's head)

Shinobu: (blush)

Hayato: But seriously please comeback safely since they will be waiting for you and also me (smile softly to Shinobu)

Shinobu: Of course, I promise (lean her head to Hayato's shoulder)

Hayato stop wearing his mask when he is with the people in Butterfly Estate, talking to Mitsuri and Giyuu and while he is talkin g privately with Oyakata-sama since he really respect Oyakata-sama that he can sacrifice his life for the Ubuyashiki 

Hayato sometimes train Kanao when he have a time because Hayato see Kanao with his past little sister Hanabi that is why he want to be close to Kanao and he also want to protect Kanao but not just Kanao but also the kids in the Butterfly Estate because it is like his past little sister just kick him to take care the kids and also Giyuu become close to the kids but mostly to the three little kids 

-At night-

Oyakata-sama: Thank you for coming here Shinobu, Giyuu

Giyuu: It is nothing Oyakata-sama 

Shinobu: (nodded)

Oyakata-sama: I call you two for the mission in Natagumo Mountain because it was report that lower ranks are not being able to slay the demons there and it is looks like they are having a problem and it has said that it is looks like there is a Lower Moon there 

Oyakata-sama: That is why Shinobu, Giyuu I will assign you to go there slay the demons and save those kids I will count you (smile at Shinobu and Giyuu)

Shinobu & Giyuu: Understand Oyakata-sama

And they finally leave and get ready to go in the Natagumo Mountain and slay the demons and what they don't know there is some that will meet that can be change the Corps 

-Natagumo Mountain-

??: Inosuke!! 

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