So I'm not sure where this burst of motivation came in, but I suddenly decided that I should post more chapters of B*******. Eh... I guess it's a win-win for me and the few people who like this. If I can somehow keep this up, maybe I'll even be able to regain my life again, along with my childhood innocence, lost hopes and dreams, all of that good stuff. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!
Playing Brock:
Brock, for me, is that guy that I want to play if I want to go braindead but not be called out for being an Edgar main. I mean let's be honest, he's Colt without the drawback of hard-to-hit shots. He's one of the very few sharpshooters that has close range capabilities, and that's what makes him one of my more hated sharpshooters to face off against.
I wouldn't say he's broken now with the projectile speed nerf, but he's still decent, and definitely fun to play, and he's one the very few who's like that without being hated on. Just like I said, go braindead without people wishing you were dead.
Rocket Fuel:
For those that don't know, this was per-nerfed Silver's bullet ugly brother. It did about 3000 damage, a little less than what Silver Bullet used to do, but in return would have the hitbox the size of a truck, could destroy walls, and would go faster than a normal rocket. What's now a tool used to be if you got hit with an actual explosive missile fired from a rocket launcher. The release of this gadget along with silver made Colt and Brock shoot right up into the meta. Even without the damage nerf it's still a very useful gadget that allows you to blow up walls, get kills that you couldn't get, or just not have to wait for your super.
Rocket Laces:
That being said though, Rocket laces is almost, if not better, than Rocket fuel in most situations. For Showdown it's pretty obvious which one you should choose, but for any other game mode they both have their benefits.
- Rocket Fuel allows you to make less mistakes with your shots and generally be a great utility for your team.
- Rocket Laces let's you be one jumpy boi who can get out of close range confrontation three times.
It provides Brock with more close range capability, as if stuffing several rockets up one's butt wasn't good enough. After all, a get-out-of-jail-for-free card will always be wanted in all video games.
Rocket Nm. 4:
I'm gonna be honest, I was really harsh towards this star power. I seriously underestimated what one extra rocket in the clip can do. For that, I apologize for my sins and would say that this star power is more preference based and geared towards players that enjoy ambushing and have the capability to take use of the extra rocket. Y'know, an actual fair and unbiased stereotypes that actually makes sense. Unfortunately, with incendiary being part of Brock's base kit now, I now feel like this star power is generally better now and what you should be using.
Wow, did not think I'd say that in a long time.
Either way, if you're using fourth rocket, you're probably like to stick to metas or you're playing showdown.
More Rockets:
I can see the use of it, Heist for one. But overall, it doesn't have much practical use since most competitive players know that grouping up is never a good idea for any situation. It would be better if the extra rockets covered more distance, making the super radius even bigger than it used too, but then maybe it'd be overpowered if that's the case. I don't really know.
Either way, this star power is a no-brainer in Heist. But you can justify using it in other modes if you have bad opponents or a really chokey map. Overall, you have faith in that super of yours, and unlike fourth rocket, I'm not gonna judge.
Old School Brock:
Despite it being free, this is my favorite skin. Maybe it's because I played in beta, maybe because I dislike the default one, or maybe because it's free. Who knows?
You'll see this skin often, for the sole reason that's it's free, and nobody really wants to spend gems on a skin for a common brawler unless it's a really good one.
For a skin costing 80, it's actually really solid. The texture is nice, the rocket's change, even the incendiary effect changes!
This is one of the very few skins that I'll say you should use. It's solid.
Boom Box Brock:
For a skin costing only 80, it's actually really solid. The- wait... didn't I just-
This is a different skin? Huh. No wonder it's archived.
Nevertheless, if you see someone using it, chances are, they saw it being archived, and being the guy that they are that can't stand when something's gone forever, they wasted their money. Oh well. I don't see that many players use it anyway.
Lion Dance Brock:
Another very solid skin! One thing to note, that it has the same glasses that OG brock has. I'm saying this because I literally just noticed it while I was typing this. You learn something new every day, don't you?
Hot Rod Brock:
I myself don't like it, something about side burns and the mustache is off-putting for me. But other's may like it for that exact same reason, who knows?
This, and Lion Dance are probably the two prominent ones, seeing how it usually is with 150 gem skins.
Super Ranger Brock:
Actually scratch that. This is probably the best Brock skin despite it being part of season 2 brawl pass. I know, I know. I've always been the one to shout "lOOk aT PrEviOuS CHApTERS foR sIMiLaR stereoTYpES". But this skin has been a personal favorite for me at least. As for others, they probably use it because it's part of the season pass and they don't want to waste gems, similar to other brawl pass skins.
Postal Brock:
This one is just weird. Like, not the skin itself, but the fact it came out during Otis's season. Like, we could've had Scuba Diver Brock, or Fisherman Brock, but instead we got Postal Brock, because nothing screams 'ocean' more than a mailing service, right?
And that's it! If you have any suggestions or critisism, I'll gladly take it. Since I'm not entirely educated on what most want. Either way... who's up next? D- Dynamike... Oh no.
*Cough, cough* ahem, anyways, I really hope you enjoyed another chapter!
Brawler Bloopers
FanfictionThis is more of my own s***post book, but I'll sprinkle some short stories in there as well, along with every idea I have for writing. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!