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summary: carlos is feeling a bit insecure but y/n will fix that

they/them pronouns used


carlos felt the stares some of the townspeople gave him and y/n as they passed by. he heard their whispers. it made his skin crawl.

"no way y/n is with him," a girl their age said in a hushed voice.

"he must've brainwashed them or something," her friend whispered back.

carlos tightened his grip on y/n's hand, but not tight enough to hurt them.

"y/n could do so much better," another girl mumbled and the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

carlos always knew the town hated him. he didn't want to use his gift to help since they had shunned his tio bruno. besides, what would he get in return? he preferred causing mischief instead. he didn't care. but when it came to y/n, he became a little timid.

y/n was the only one in the town who showed that they truly cared for him. he didn't want to lose that.

his thoughts started to consume him.

what if they're right? you don't deserve y/n. they could do better. you're just a no good scoundrel.

carlos started to sweat, feeling uneasy.

they're right. they're right. they're right.

"uh, mi amor, can we go back to casita? my legs are soo tired," he asked, gripping y/n's hand tightly.

"carlos, i have to go buy some mangos first, did you forget? you can wait a few minutes," they responded as they reached the mango stand.

he sighed, "okay."

carlos stood back as his lover bought fruit. he tapped his foot impatiently, just wanting to leave already.

they deserve better. they deserve better.

"stop it," he mumbled to himself.

they could do better.

carlos shook the thoughts away as y/n walks back to him.

"okay, let's go," they grabbed his hand and they made their way towards casita.

they passed by another group of gossiping teenagers who gave glares towards carlos. carlos frowned and sped up his walking.


"what's on your mind, querida?" y/n queried, looking up at carlos as they laid on his bed.

he was stuck in his thoughts and wasn't talking a lot once they got back into casita.

"nothing, y/n, why?" he lied.

they scoffed, "carlos, we've been together for like 5 months already and been friends for years before that. i know when you're lying."

"it's nothing, don't worry your pretty little head," carlos shrugged.

"just tell me," y/n begged as they both sat up.

"i..." he sighs, "y/n, why are you still with me?"

they looked startled, "what?"

"i mean, you can do so much better than me. why would ever wanna be with me? you're such an angel and i'm just... me. a monster."

y/n shook their head, "why are you asking stuff like this?"

he frowns, "i heard some girls talking about us earlier. saying things like you could do better."


they nodded their head, now understanding. they gave him a smile, pushing back his hair a bit so they could fully see his face, "oh, carlos... you shouldn't listen to them. they don't know what they're talking about."

carlos had his head down, not responding.

"you wanna know why i'm still here?"

y/n gently pushed his head back up making him look up at them, "because i'm in love with you. i don't care what people say."

"i see the sides you have that you never show to anyone else," they continued. "you are not a monster. you're so loving and caring and not a lot of people see that."

"you are my life, my love, the moon to my sun. i love you so much, mi niño bonito."

carlos looked up at his partner with love in his eyes, "you really think of me like that?"

"yes," they said genuinely. "and if anyone talks bad about you, tell me and i will beat the shit out of them."

the curly haired boy cracked a grin.

"don't you ever think bad of yourself okay?" y/n added, their hands still cradling carlos' cheeks. he nodded. "i wanna hear you say it."

"okay," carlos says, smiling.

"okay," y/n repeated before giving him a kiss on the forehead.

mi amor - my love
mi niño bonito - my pretty boy

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