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summary: carlos is a lil tired but won't show it. you encourage him to show his vulnerability for once. aka shy carlos my beloved

they/them pronouns used

i live in new york which means you either get sun in ur eyes or freezing cold and precipitation here. it rained today so here's a rain fic 😍


carlos yawned, digging himself in the covers. he could hear the rain pattering on the window. it's been a rough day and he just wanted to fall asleep in the warm sheets of his bed. listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain.

he hears the door open and he doesn't bother to look up, his eyes struggling to stay open. carlos heard the soft voice of his lovely partner.

"mi amor?"

he hears y/n walking over to his bed. y/n sees him under the covers, taking note of his tussled hair and smiled at the sight.

"aw," they muttered. "you look so cute cuddled up like that."

normally carlos would've screeched out, saying something like 'don't call me cute!" or "stop that!" but he was too tired to even say anything.

y/n settled themselves in the bed, the blanket shuffling as they got comfortable. carlos gives them a small smile and wrapped his arms around their waist, pulling them close to him. he sighed out happily as he puts his chin on their shoulder. y/n rubs his back up and down.

"how are you today, mi amor?" y/n questioned.

"i'm fine," he mumbled but his voice sounded drained and sad.

they pulled away and had a concerned look on their face, "are you sure? you don't sound okay."

"i'm fine," carlos repeated. he yawned again. "just a rough day, that's all."

"you can tell me anything you know, that's what i'm here for," y/n sighed. "you don't have to hide from me, carlos. i know when you're feeling horrible."

he frowned, "fine then. i'm fucking exhausted if that's what you wanted to hear."

"yeah, that is what i wanted to hear," they nodded. "i want you to tell me how you're feeling, mi amor. stop hiding and show when you're vulnerable."

"i know," carlos said. "i'll try but right now i really want cuddles."

y/n smiled, "of course. whatever mi niño bonito wants."

carlos gave a toothy grin as y/n pulled him closer to them. he wrapped his arms around them again, laying his head on their chest. y/n laid their chin on his head and started rubbing his back up and down again.

"go to sleep, we both know you need it," they said.

carlos lets out a hum in agreement before closing his eyes, letting himself drift into sleep. the rain and the comfort of y/n helping him fall asleep.

this was rushed but whatever who cares
also uhh don't tell carlos i said this but he's secretly a soft boy at heart 😍‼️

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