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summary: y/n is crying, carlos comforts them as a cat

they/them pronouns used


carlos wanted to surprise his partner today. he was let in by their parents and was making way up to their room. he stopped at the door when he heard sniffling.

carlos furrowed his brows. are they crying? he thought. he hesitantly puts a hand on the doorknob, slowly twisting it. he carefully opened the door, trying to not make a sound.

y/n was in their bed, indeed crying. they didn't seem to notice carlos walk in as they sobbed. carlos frowned at the sight before thinking of something to cheer them up.

cats. they like cats.

carlos shifted into a brown cat, growing shorter. his paws patted against the floor as he sauntered over to y/n's bed. he jumps on the bed and caught their attention. he tilted his head a bit, letting out a little meow. y/n stared at him confusedly and stopped crying.

"what the fuck," they mumbled. "kitty, is that you?"

carlos had a distain look on his face. did they really just mistaken him as one of their cats? the fact that they also named one of their cats 'kitty' still baffled him.

"oh my goodness!" y/n took the brown cat from carlos' hands. "she's adorable! thank you, carlos!"

"of course, mi amor," he smiled at them. "i know how much you love cats so i decided to give you another."

y/n was petting the small cat in their arms. they smiled back at him, "you're the best boyfriend ever."

"i know i am," carlos smirked. "so what are you gonna name her?"

y/n started thinking for a moment. "hm, i'm gonna name her... kitty," they said.

carlos had his mouth agape, "what?"

"her name is kitty."

"are you serious? that's like naming a dog 'puppy'!" he exclaimed in annoyance.

"it's my cat so i can name her anything i want," they shrugged.

"y/n, what the fuck," carlos shook his head. "i don't care if you call her coochie or some stupid shit but seriously that's what you came up with?"

"why do you care so much about it?"

they began to argue about kitty's name.

that day was still unforgettable to carlos. he still couldn't believe the fact that y/n chose to name her that. his thoughts were cut off as y/n raised a hand to pet him.

carlos purred and leaned in to their touch. he lets out a confused meow when y/n pulled away.

they were analyzing him, "you're not kitty aren't you?"

"you have brown and green eyes while kitty has yellow eyes," y/n thought out loud. carlos drooped his ears back, fearing that they found him out. they finally sighed, "it's you, carlos, isn't it?"

mierda, they're smart, carlos thought.

he reluctantly shifted back into himself. "sí, mi amor," he frowned. "i was trying to comfort you."

"comfort me? wait, you saw me crying?" y/n questioned. carlos nodded. their eyes laid on the ears on his head and snickered. "carlos, you have, uh..." they pointed up.

he glanced up and saw that his cat ears were still there. he groaned, "why does this keep happening?"

carlos pushed back his ears and they vanished with red dust.

"you really didn't have to comfort me you know," y/n mumbled, fumbling with the tips of their shirt.

"but i wanted to, i hate to see my girl/boy cry," carlos said. he raised a hand to push a stray hair away from their face. he leaned in and pressed a kiss on their forehead. "my beautiful, beautiful y/n." (if someone gets the reference i will give you $20)

y/n cracked a small smile at him, their cheeks heating up.

"i'm hoping my cat form cheered you up a bit at least," he remarked.

they nodded, chuckling, "yeah, it did."

they hear a meow from the doorway. the two looked and saw y/n's cats. y/n's face brightened up and they jumped off the bed. they grabbed luna, the white cat, and cradled her in their arms. kitty (the real one) stood at their feet.

carlos huffed and crossed his arms, "i think you like your cats more than me."

"was that not obvious?" y/n said.

carlos gave them an offended look.

did this while at school lolz

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