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everyone has a different version of carlos in their head since hes noncanon! this is way past late but honestly idc so here is the basic rundown of my version of carlos <3



-his gift is shapeshifting into animals if i haven't established that so many fucking times here

-i can see carlos getting into arts. he sometimes sketches when he's not causing chaos or maybe play a guitar

-he also likes to sew with mirabel sometimes

-i also headcannon him to be tall and not a fucking midget like camilo

-carlos is 5'8 and often teases camilo for being a shortie

-"how did you get the tall genes?! this isnt fair, i'm older than you!"

-"lmao ok shortie"

-while he covers himself with a massive ego, he's actually very insecure

-he doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he does have are a lil rude :/

-he really hates himself but at this point he doesn't care, everything he does is gonna be hated on either way

-hes the type to not show his feelings often, always keeping a cold glare on his face

-the closest thing to a smile is when he gets a mischievous idea and he smirks

-his smirk is hot- I MEAN WHAT

-if ur lucky enough you might even see him giggle when he sees someone make a fucking fool out of themself

-and that someone is probably camilo 💀

-carlos is emo #brocken 🥺🥺🖤

-he highly dislikes camilo (doesnt say hate bc he thinks hate is a strong word to use for him)

-camilo is the golden boy! carlos is gonna be jealous easily and wish he could get the treatment his twin has

-the twins don't really... understand that each other. they have similar problems yet they still have a mutual dislike for each other

-but at the end of the day they at least have each other's backs... sometimes

-anyways speaking of siblings, carlos prefers dolores and antonio to camilo

-dolores is like the only person in the family who understands him and respects him while he gets along with antonio bc of their shared love for animals

-his relationship with the rest of the family is,,, decent? he's nice to his tía and tío. he likes his cousins as well. anyone who's not camilo or abuela is fine with him.

-like how camilo is a mommy's boy, carlos is a daddy's boy

-hes close to felix bc felix thinks carlos is similar to pepa

-carlos is hotheaded, short-tempered and does need someone to calm him down like how felix calms pepa down

-thats where y/n comes in ;)


-omg he's actually so fucking sweet i cant

-it takes him a while to confirm his feelings, he's never fallen in love before

-until he met you

-thats so cliche bye 💀💀

-OK SO ANYWAYSSJFBRBSB hes smitten for you dude

-calls you nicknames like 'mi amor', 'hermosa/o', 'my beautiful y/n', 'princesa/principe', 'muñeca'

-man. i love him sm.

-the way he will literally do ANYTHING for you. a literal simp even though he always denies it

-"carlos, ur such a simp for y/n"

-"stfu camilo i will bite ur fucking hand off"

-if anyone who dares to talk shit about you he will shapeshift into a rabid dog with a knife in his mouth and chase them


-ur the only person he opens up to

-in his words he's "nice for you, rude for others"

-but there are times where he completely shuts down and doesn't wanna open up about his problems

-you have to encourage him to talk

-hes really stubborn sometimes

-when hes sad he's cuddled up in ur arms as you whisper sweet nothings to him, playing with his curls

-he loves ur touch

-he also usually hates when people touch his hair but for you... he'll let you touch it all you want

-fucking simp

-since hes a little inexperienced with love, he doesn't really don't know how to express his feelings with words

-so he often uses his actions to show how much he loves you

-pressing kisses to ur skin, letting you wear his ruana when ur cold, cooking food for you, hugging ur waist from behind, etc <3

-basically hes the best boyfriend you could ever have


-def had a emo phase

-probably would've liked panic! and paramore

-also is a mitski stan

-idk why but i can see him being an angry driver

-literally will yell at the top of his lungs while camilo and mirabel are snickering in the background

-"estupido! you can't fucking drive, fucking bitch. i swear to god-"

-his favorite class is art, he loves to paint

-oh and get this,, he plays guitar and probably would be in a rock band

-people do like him in this au thank god

-people are into emo boys ig 🙄🙄 (i'm looking at y'all 🫵)

my comeback where i talk about my fav boy (don't tell camilo i said that, he'll burst into tears)
it wasn't a long break tbh but that doesn't matter im FREEEE

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