Chapter One ~ A War of Dark and Light

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Espresso sprinted through the forest, hearing multiple gun shots, likely from that stupid cookie named after some sort of bread. Rye cookie perhaps her name was. Followed by that equally irritating red head with spikes poking out of the strands. She had an overwhelming strong chilli aroma, helping Espresso make sense of whereabouts she was.

Stopping in his tracks and pressing his back against a wide oak tree, he tried to level his panting while waiting for the cookies to approach.

"He went this way!"

Quick yet orderly footsteps approached his hiding spot and Espresso immediately jumped out, whipping his arms around and creating a coffee magic spell to blow them back. He smirked as they stopped in their tracks, eyes widened in alarm as Espresso sent out multiple flaming coffee bean strikes in their direction.
Rye and Chili Pepper were sent sprawling on the dirt bellow him, coughing from the impact on their lungs.
Amusement sparked in the coffee mage's cold stare, forcing him to let out a short bark of laughter.

"How pathetic!" he cackled.

Rye glared at him, "You're sick." she spat.

Espresso only smiled, a corrupt little smile. He flicked his wrist, cape slightly fluttering in the lingering breeze.
"Oh stop, you flatter me."

Rye growled and Chili Pepper glanced to her left. In the distance, Gingerbrave and his gang of nit wits were approaching at a rapid pace, eager to rescue their friends. Espresso followed her gaze and he shifted on his feet and crossed his arms rolling his eyes.

"Great you brought the happy-go-lucky squad with you."

Chili Pepper scoffed at the odd nickname for their group of brave Vanilla warriors from the Vanilla Kingdom.
"Hah! You're outnumbered coffee man." She grinned.

Espresso smiled back at her before putting on a fake pout.
"Awe, what a pity. Whatever will I do~?" he smirked.

As soon as gingerbrave entered his field of view, the mage whipped around, sending out his powerful coffee grinding spell which drew in the group of cookies, making them let out an alarmed yell.

"Now." Espresso yelled over his shoulder, his arms still held up to keep conducting the spell.
Licorice cookie jumped out of the bushes behind him, summoning his loyal licorice servants with their cute miniature swords.

"You'll never get away with this!" Gingerbrave shrieked, desperately trying to fend off the powerful minions. Strawberry and Wizard helped defend the group while Madeleine- wait. Where is Madeleine cookie?

Madeleine cookie appeared behind Espresso, pulling out his sword and knocking him forwards into the dirt.
Espresso turned over, cringing as he felt the crimson blood dripping down above his upper lip. He scoffed, wiping his nose with his sleeve before looking up. There stood Madeleine, glowing sword in hand, standing over the mage with a scowl.

Blue eyes locked onto a pair of bespectacled brown ones. The noise of the battle seemed to tune out as the world slowed, Espresso staring curiously into the bright ocean eyes of the knight that stood before him. It was like his eyes were enchanting him, causing his heart rate to speed up slightly. They were so bright and full of life. Like shining sapphire orbs.

He had to admit, they were quite pretty.

The moment was interrupted by a large gust of wind, a red fog seeping through the ground. Ah, pomegranate's teleportation spell. He'd almost forgotten.

Espresso smirked holding back the urge to strike the other then and there. Madeleine's eyes widened and he started to cough as the red smoke entered his lungs. The mage laughed, saluting the knight with two fingers,
"That's my cue," he gripped the grass tightly, his knuckles lightening, "Te veo luego blondie!"

Darkness into Light - EspresseleineWhere stories live. Discover now