Chapter Seventeen ~ Cool Magic Man

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Sorry for the wait! I wrote a majority of this during my English class when I was supposed to be writing an essay so I basically chose gay cookie men over my grades :D

Tw: Mentioned panic attack


As soon as the group returned to the kingdom, the mage and the knight commander were immediately sent into Pure Vanilla's care. This time, Espresso didn't bother to fight back, only having a minor break down when Chili, yet again, unnecessarily brought up the Knight cookie incident.

It appeared to be a small panic attack, his breathing was sharp and quick, almost as if he was struggling to breath. Madeleine panicked, rushing to his side and startling him by attempting to stroke his back. The mage flinched away, screwing his eyes shut and wrapping his arms around himself in a protective manner. Madeleine froze, his throat failing to form words as he watched the normally unexpressive and reserved cookie he was used to, shatter into a million pieces right before his eyes.

Pure Vanilla slowly crept closer to Espresso, still keeping his distance but speaking softly to him to calm him down. Madeleine observed with furrowed brows, tuning out the berating noises of Gingerbrave and Herb giving Chili Pepper a piece of their minds.

Madeleine tilted his head curiously, silently taking notes of Pure Vanilla's actions and movements so he too would be able to offer this same support for Espresso in case of future episodes. While he was watching, he also mentally cursed himself for making the situation worse.

I shouldn't have made that sudden move on him. I should've known. You idiot, stop making everything worse. You're supposed to be a hero. Such a disgrace.

The paladin shook his head, fixing his face with a look of determination.

Calm down Madeleine. Just listen to Pure Vanilla and this never has to happen again. Make sure this never happens to Espresso ever again. Be useful for once.

Madeleine watched as the healer cookie led the mage through a breathing exercise.

I'll save you Espresso. I'll make sure I'm of use to you, I don't wish to be a burden. Let me help you see the light.



Madeleine's booming voice sent vibrating shivers down the mage's spine as he clapped his hands over his ears in annoyance. Espresso whipped his head around, glaring at the tall blond through the bars of his cell.

Gingerbrave advised that he continue his stay in the cell for the time being, with a clear apologetic look on his face. If the mage still had his magic he might've been unable to resist the urge to make that stupid ginger cookie crumble at his feet. But alas, it wouldn't have been a great first impression. Not that he'd already made countless terrible first impressions in the past anyway.

"You are tremendously lucky that I do not have my coffee magic right now." he scolded him.

"That I am!" he chuckled nervously before unlocking the door to his cell and stepping inside.

"I swear to the witches I cannot get at least one day off from your irritating presence." Espresso grumbled as he shifted aside to leave room for the knight to sit beside him on the cell bed.

Madeleine was wearing his armour today, likely because of his daily patrols. The mage couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated though, but immediately denying it.

"I sincerely dislike you." The mage said.

"No you don't." Madeleine replied without a heartbeat. Espresso opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by the blond lifting his hand and swirling it around, assumingly performing a spell with his light magic. Espresso's eyes widened as the thin screen of white light magic purred, fading into a blurry image.

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