Chapter Twenty Seven ~ The Plan Commences

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Hey guys sorry for disappearing! Lemme just, *apologises by writing gut wrenching angst* /hj


Espresso unlocked the latch on his door, peering out of the crack. He winced, hand hovering over his eyes to shield them.

Standing there, was Madeleine cookie as radiant as ever, his light magic causing a bright angelic glow that reflected off of his usual armour and sword. The blue gem in his headpiece pulsated with energy.

Hm, someone's excited.

The mage thought to himself.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

Madeleine did not flinch, the wide smile still on his face as he tilted his head. "Good morning Espresso! How are you? Going to work soon?"

Espresso gave him a deadpanned stare, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Mm, yes hello. I am well, please state your business. I was about to head over to the Parfaedia Institute."

Gods, I really need to start avoiding him. How am I supposed to avoid him if he's at my doorstep everyday?

Madeleine grinned, "I caught you just in time then! You're taking the day off."

"What? Again? Why?"

"Gingerbrave is requesting your presence in the castle conference room," he stood tall and proud as if he was some sort of important noble being, "Regarding the.. you know, thing."

"Yes, yes I understand." The mage waved his hand at him, already stepping out and locking his door behind him with a small set of keys which he immediately stuffed into his pocket. Espresso turned and pushed past him coldly while Madeleine blinked in confusion, following him shortly after.

The paladin frowned. What had happened? Only a day ago he'd been friendly, even asking to come inside his house and keep him company. But now he seemed.. different. Something changed. Had he done something to upset him? That was it wasn't it. He'd definitely messed up, again. Was he being too loud, too obnoxious? Too full of himself, which he knew the mage hated?

Espresso kept walking with no intentions to speak, or even look at the blonde haired cookie following in his tracks like a children's game of 'follow the leader'. But Madeleine was simply drowning in the awful feeling that they've descended back to square one. He shook his head, trying to reassure himself that it was obviously just the workaholic coffee cookie having an off day. He just needed to try not to make him upset, that's all. He's just in a bad mood.

He couldn't help but feel like something way deeper was at play.


Gingerbrave pointed at the map sprawled across the round table. He, Wizard, Latte, Madeleine, Espresso, Raspberry and the King, Pure Vanilla were all stood around the table, curiously looking at the wide piece of paper.

"That's where the Forgotten Library is, right?" He moved his finger towards a dull purple coloured area on the map. There wasn't even what looked like a building on the map, just a cluster of random grey splotches that resembled debris. Wizard squinted down at the paper.

"Affirmative. That place is called the Forgotten Academy, so there is a reason to believe the library is there too."

Out of the corner of Espresso's eye he swore he noticed a flash of emotion cross Pure Vanilla's face at the mention of the Forgotten Academy. Wizard glanced up at him sympathetically, "You attended that academy, did you not? Along with... you're old friend."

Pure Vanilla did not reply, only nodding sadly as he gripped his staff. The eye on his staff darted around anxiously.

"Will you be okay to return? After all, a healer will be needed on the journey." Gingerbrave placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

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