Chapter Forty Five ~ Mission Failed Successfully

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Warning, this chapter contains:
- Violence
- Blood


Espresso held out the scroll in front of him, searching the various rooms and open areas for any sign of the relics, or specifically the Waffle Cone Magic Golem. An uneasy shiver ran down his spine as the memory of why he was even here in the first place crossed his mind. He shook his head, furrowing his brows in determination.

He wasn't here for that stupid map anymore, he didn't care about Dark Enchantress' plans. He was here for the relic that would help the Vanilla Kingdom. And so were his three friends following close behind him in the search.

Screw her ill-minded intentions with whatever she would do with that map and most definitely screw whatever she planned to do with him. He'd just never go back, avoid her for the rest of his life like she'd never meant anything to him. This last minute plan gave him hope.

Was it false hope? He'd ask himself. Think about it, would he really keep up the charade of running and hiding for the rest of his life? He'd never truly be free. He would be back to square one. Stuck in the same, agonising loop of constant fear.

Hell, the Forgotten Library was supposed to be ancient magical ruins that would ignite a new breed of wonder inside of him, but it was doing anything but that. He felt tense, anxious. Mainly by the fact that for the past who-knows-how-long of exploring the endless building, everything was running smoothly. It was too calm, too quiet.

Where were the entities that were supposed to be guarding the halls? The ones in all of the scrolls and books? And to think there might at least be a few Bookworm Specters, or Blueberry Wisps, or even those terrifying portal creatures. But there was nothing. It was completely empty, save for the occasional appearance of wild magic here and there.

It was so suspiciously empty, that even Madeleine had picked up on the eerie feeling and had his sword ready for any sudden surprises.

"What's that?" Latte whispered, pointing ahead. It was so silent that even her whisper echoed, along with the clicking and tapping of their shoes on the polished flooring.

The team peered ahead of them and sure enough there was a huge doorway that reached the ceiling, entirely made of a stone-like material. It was crumbling and covered in moss, and inside the room appeared to be remains of what the door used to be.

"It looks like the door was blasted into pieces. Whoever wanted to get in there was desperate." Madeleine commented, trying to incorporate a hint of humour behind his words.

"What would be strong enough to break through it?" Custard asked, tilting his head.

Espresso looked down at him while pocketing his scrolls once more, "I don't think I want to find out anytime soon," He turned to Madeleine and Latte, gesturing towards the doorway, "Let's take a look, maybe there's something valuable to us inside."

They both raised their eyebrows but reluctantly agreed, allowing the mage to lead the way. All of a sudden, as they were about to enter, all four of them jolted at a sudden crash that echoed across the halls. It sounded like glass shattering, followed by a strange muffled noise. Judging by the fact that it was rather faint, the source of the disruption must be fairly far away.

"Quick, inside!" Espresso hurried them inside the mysterious room so they wouldn't have to take their chances with whatever made the noise. It was another dark brick hallway, prompting Espresso and Madeleine to summon more light magic orbs to illuminate their path.

Finally, they made it to the end of the pathway, which led into a beautifully lit room with a glass dome. The room looked as if it was made entirely from magic itself, the walls and the air glowing vibrantly with magic of a violet hue. Golden orbs identical to the ones the mage and paladin summoned floated amongst them freely, some flickering, signalling for them to end the spells.

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