Chapter Ten ~ Coffee Delivery

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Day 7 of "Imprisonment"

Espresso looked up from the book he was reading on his cell bed. Pure Vanilla had checked over his injuries, especially the wound on his left arm, and affirmed that it had completely healed and he was free to leave the infirmary. Almond cookie put him in handcuffs, transporting him to his, now cleaned and freshened up, jail cell. But of course, not without a fight.

The mage's magic had finally returned and he attempted to burn off the handcuffs and make a run for it but ultimately failed since Almond upgraded his cuffs to fire proof metal. Gingerbrave may or may not have advised him to consider changing the material, which he got to work on straight away with the help of Avocado cookie.

Espresso resorted to violence, kicking Almond's shin and struggling out of his grip. He didn't get far though since he really wasn't looking where he was running and ran straight into Madeleine. The knight only laughed and threw him over his shoulder while Espresso kicked and yelled at him.

An out-of-breath Almond apologised to him for the inconvenience but Madeleine just smiled and boasted about how it wasn't an inconvenience at all and his great strength aided him in catching the run away criminal. Espresso just groaned and let him get carried back to his cell, not without a handful of swears aimed towards the tall blond.

"Let me go you asshole!" he'd yell.

"Haha, why do you wish to escape so badly?" Madeleine chuckled.

Espresso grumbled in reply.

He desperately just wanted to go home to his siblings, return his life back to normal and keep having pointless battles with the Vanilla Kingdom. Now that he thinks about, the battles really are pointless. Hmmm.

But he could forget about the earlier events that put him in a bad mood for now, because that knight had made himself useful for once.

"Here's your coffee." he beamed, opening the food latch in the door and passing the cup of bitter sweetness through.
Espresso put his book down and got up to retrieve the cup.

"Thank you." he said coldly, taking a sip and inhaling the fumes of the coffee.

Ahh, this is more like it. It had been way too long since he's had a nice cup of coffee and he was becoming more and more restless without it.
Madeleine watched him chug the entire cup, silently judging him.

"How does one drink such a bitter liquid?" he asked.

Espresso glared at him. "My body practically cannot survive without coffee. I am a coffee cookie, it runs through my veins."

"Or you're just addicted to caffeine." Madeleine grinned in reply.

"Shut up."

Espresso picked up his book and continued reading, occasionally licking his thumb to turn the page easily. His leg was balanced over his knee. Madeleine raised his eyebrow. "Where did you even get that?"

The mage looked up and grinned smugly then returned to his book.

"Did you steal it?" he accused.

Espresso chuckled but didn't reply. The knight sighed and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall outside the cell. Madeleine watched him silently, intrigued and also wondering how in the world he managed to steal a book from the library which they were no where near. His eyes drifted down to just under his eyes, which displayed very obvious eye bags. Madeleine felt something close to concern at the sleeping habits of the mage. He didn't look away though, he will admit even with the lack of sleep Espresso is very good-looking.

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