Chapter Thirteen ~ Don't Get Attached, You Have to Let Him Go

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Madeleine landed on his backside harshly as Espresso's magic finally let go of him and slammed the door shut behind him. But the knight was not angry or upset, rather he was interested in the capabilities of his coffee magic. His magic was strong, stronger than him even.

He began to walk down a set of stairs towards the castle entrance to take his leave for the evening.

The knight reflected back. Espresso had been practicing his magic every day in that cell, the glyphs he'd seen him creating, he could feel the pure energy and destructive ability radiating off of them. He could easily use them to explode the door, or the stone wall, anything, then escape into the night without a word to return to Dark Enchantress. Then why hasn't he?

Speaking of her, Almond cookie has been berating him for information on Dark Enchantress's plans but time and time again his answer was always "I do not know!" earning a frustrated groan from Almond. But then he threatened him.

Espresso panicked, cowering backwards in fear. He looked terrified. Was it because of what Knight did to him? Or was it because of something else..? Perhaps years of mistreatment from his 'family'?

Whatever it was, the mage was clearly scared, he was even shaking. Almond backed down immediately, trying to calm him down.
But Espresso only sobbed and pleaded, his eyes glassed over with an emotion he'd never seen on the know-it-all coffee mage.
He'd begged over and over, "Please, I don't know, I'm sorry please don't hurt me."

He'd squeeze his eyes shut and continue to mutter over and over, "Please don't hurt me."

Almond had looked to him, concerned and Madeleine with a stern look on his face, "That's enough. I really think he's telling the truth officer."

"What if he's just putting on this vulnerable act?" Almond inquired.

Madeleine shook his head and gestured to the mage who looked like a mess.
"Look at him Almond. He's obviously been traumatised by something."

Almond's features softened into sympathy, "Do you think it's about what happened..?"

"Maybe partly. But I have a feeling it's something deeper."

Almond nodded solemnly, and went to lead Espresso back to his cell.

Madeleine exited the castle, making his way down the pathway to downtown. Just as he reached the final step, he turned to look up at the window to the cell that he knew Espresso was being held in. He sighed.

"Who are you, Espresso?"


Latte was writing various notes in her notebook, while also tossing random smelly ingredients in her white cauldron. The weird berry-smelling mixture let out a small explosion of pink dust as she threw in what appeared to be herbs from Herb cookie's shop.
Madeleine watched, but was distracted by the many thoughts floating around in his mind.

Latte finished scribbling in her notebook and glanced to the knight who was sitting on a chair with his head rested on his hand, which was also balanced on his knee.
"What's that look for?" Latte giggled.

"What look?"

Latte gestured to his concentrated expression that had just been glaring at the mixture a few moments ago.
"That. That weird thinking face you do. Don't see it often cuz' you don't think much but—"

She was cut off by Madeleine throwing a book at her and Latte ducked while smiling her head off.

The knight sighed, glancing back into the cauldron, "What are you making?"

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