Chapter Eleven ~ Annoying Visitors

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Pure Vanilla poked and prodded at Espresso's arm, the mage sitting uncomfortably and awkwardly glancing around the room. Madeleine brought Pure Vanilla into his cell for a check up, much to Espresso's dissatisfaction. He'd expected to earn a glare from the brunette and maybe a handful of insults and threats but was surprised at how quiet he was being.

Madeleine stood off to the side while Pure Vanilla did his thing. Espresso crossed his arms and huffed.

"Well!" Pure Vanilla started, "I am pleased to say that your wound has healed up completely! Unfortunately the scar likely will not fade. Alas, you are alive and well, I suppose that's all that matters." he smiled warmly.

The smile turned into a frown, "Although, you must get more sleep. It is very unhealthy to go days on end without a proper rest."

Espresso crossed his arms. "I don't need to sleep, I have coffee."

Madeleine and Pure Vanilla glanced at each other then back to Espresso. Madeleine sighed.
"If you don't sleep tonight, I'm banning you from your coffee supply."

Espresso gasped dramatically, "You wouldn't."

"Oh yes I would." Madeleine grinned.

"And who gave you the authority over my precious coffee?"

"Gingerbrave." the knight replied a matter-of-factly.

Espresso scowled, crossing his arms harder.

"I should be on my way then," Pure Vanilla walked past the blond, stopping to put a hand on his shoulder.
"Take care of him Madeleine." he smiled, then walked out of the cell and back down the hallway.

Madeleine smiled back, turning to Espresso who had a big pout on his face.
"I don't need you to take care of me I'm not a child." he muttered.

The knight walked over to him and reached down to fix his tie which was crooked and crumpled. Espresso leaned away from him, still scowling. Madeleine glanced up at his hair which was currently a wild birds nest. The knight took out a hairbrush out of thin air and Espresso gaped at him. He quickly tried to scramble away but the knight was fast enough to hold onto his arm and pin him down.

"Get off! You are not about to do my hair like I'm some sort of pretty princess!" he yelled.

Madeleine held him down and began to fix his hair for him.
"Well if you're not going to take proper care of yourself then you leave me no choice but to do it for you."

"No!" he growled.

Madeleine brushed through the strands, styling it in his signature side swoop with the back of his hair pointed up and outwards. Espresso gave up trying to struggle out of his grip and just let him do his hair. The knight finished, stepping back and looking very proud with his hands on his hips. He grinned at the sour expression on Espresso's face.

"Cheer up friend! You look great!"

"We're not friends." he corrected.

"Hmm, best friends then." Madeleine replied.

Espresso gagged, earning a hearty laugh from the knight. The blond handed him a mirror which Espresso snatched out of his hands. He frowned at his reflection. He looked... good.

The mage groaned, handing him back the mirror and trying to ignore his smug look. Espresso playfully summoned a small flaming coffee bean and sent it flying towards Madeleine's head, but the knight dodged it with ease.

"Haha! You missed." he bellowed.

Espresso smirked and glanced down to the blond's hair which was currently on fire.
Madeleine noticed and started screaming, running towards the sink to extinguish it. The mage burst out laughing, holding his stomach at the force of the laughter.

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