Chapter Twenty Nine ~ Off-Track

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Tw: Minor Blood and Violence

"What do you mean you're removing me from the mission!?" Espresso shouted.

"As I said, Licorice and I will take over from here. Use this bottle of teleportation dust to return home safely. You never have to see the Vanilla Kingdom ever again," She used her magic to open a liquified hole in the mirror to pass the bottle through.

"No-- I need to complete this. Please, I can't go back!" The mage pleaded, shoving the bottle back.

Pomegranate raised an eyebrow.

"I-I'll do as I'm told. I won't get the plant. I'll focus on the mission, I swear." His voice trembled.

But he knew he was lying through his teeth. He was determined to obtain the one thing that would give him his magic back. His sense of power.

And it was true, he really did want to stay. No matter how hard he denied it, he was slowly starting to get comfortable in this kingdom. But for now he could use the excuse that he so desperately wanted to complete his mission in order to stay just a little longer. Plus, he could just spend the day trip obtaining the plant and returning quickly as if he'd never left. She wouldn't know. He wouldn't tell her anything.

A few beats later, Pomegranate finally nodded, shoving the bottle back into her cloak. "This is your final chance to prove your dedication to Dark Enchantress. Do you understand?"

Espresso nodded solemnly in reply. Of course he wanted to prove it to her. But as the days went by, it's almost as if he was slipping out of their grip.

"When will you be in the process of obtaining the map to the chamber?" she asked.

"In a weeks time." Espresso answered her quietly.

"Very well. You are familiar now, Espresso, that if you ever think of leaving us, or straying from the path set by our Master, there will be consequences." She growled, fire in her eyes.

The mage flinched, staying silent and avoiding eye contact.

"You belong to Dark Enchantress. Know your place."

Then the mirror faded. She was gone. He was left alone again. The weight of her threats dragging him down. He was exhausted, how long had it been since he last slept? A week? He couldn't remember, his memories blurring as fatigue mixed with a dull rage clouded his already overcrowded mind.

It wasn't fair. He couldn't see Pomegranate again. He can't bear to listen to her harsh words that always managed to break the barrier and stab a hole right through his heart.

Why can't she treat me decently for once in her pathetic life.

Espresso clenched his fist in anger, his breathing picking up. Was he hyperventilating again? He couldn't even tell. He couldn't even tell where he was anymore. In his line of sight it was only the mirror where Pomegranate once stood, and the mage's teetering reflection. He was furious. Enraged.

The mage yelled out, lunging forward to thrust his fist right into the middle of the mirror. The glass shattered upon impact, shards falling onto the wooden floor and some piercing painfully into his skin. He panted, analysing what he'd just done.

His fist was ultimately severed, warm blood oozing out of the deep cuts created by the glass shards. Espresso let out a choked yelp, immediately retracting his hand and clutching it to his chest. The wounds only bled more and grew more intense with a stinging pain. He stumbled backwards, eyes wide as he stared at his broken reflection. In a way, it almost seemed right.

A broken, miserable cookie standing alone. It's what he truly felt like in that moment. Nobody was there to help him. And he drove away the one cookie he knew who would.

Darkness into Light - EspresseleineWhere stories live. Discover now