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Flash back *the same time when Juha lost her car*

Mr. Kang's POV (Juha's father)
“So how did stealing go?” I asked.

“Haha! The same like it went like my first time, I hope Juha won't find out” Yunbin said.

Yunbin, a criminal, he's called a professional in the criminals' world. I've been asking myself when he's going to live in reality, he's good for nothing.

Son, you're a bastard” I smirked. “Like father, like son. That's what mom always says, so, there's no difference. Also stop with that son thing, it's cringe” He stood up and picked up the money I placed earlier in the table in front of me. He saluted and turned around to leave. “Tag me along again by some times like this”

I can't believe how foolish he was 'til now, he should stay in the prison. Rotten until he's dead.

Back to the present

Taejoo's POV
“So, we're gonna live here..?” Juha asked. “Hey, don't act like there's nothing wrong here you idiot. Also, why would we even live together” I replied.

“oOoO~ looks like my husband is shy, haha!” She laughed. “Husband?? Well, I like th- pfft- that better, baby. HAHAAHAH! No” I sarcastically said. “wow! My- husband- pfft- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! EHEEHAHAHA!” She laughed while rolling on the ground.

“Come on let's go inside, babi boo boo bear” I can't hold my laugh while teasing her, seeing Juha laughing makes me feel at ease. She's beautiful.

I think I'm falling, aren't I?

“Aha! No more, let's go inside, babe” She said that while smiling at me.

Please, never do that. It's cute.

We walked inside and wandered around. I claimed the guest's room as mine but Juha said she'll sleep there. It turned out that she doesn't like the color black like the sheets on the master bedroom. She's traumatized by it. As the day ends, we ate lunch together for the first time.

“You don't know how to cook..?” She asked. “Well, my parents didn't really teached me. What can I do?” I replied. “Same”

We laughed together again.

“You know you look cute laughing” She whispered. I looked at her and she stared back. “You know what? I'll go unpack my things” she grinned and picked up her and my plate. “I think I'll do the dishes later” she said while washing her hands.

The next day
We got to school earlier than we always did, nothing really happened that time. Not until our teacher made a group of 5 and do a report about the national hero of Philippines. “Juha, Dooshik, Taejoo, Sooha, and Hyunseo. You guys will be in Group 6”

Should've been only three in one?? Also these two isn't getting along with us that much.

(Author here! Sooha is a girl and Hyunseo is a boy, thank youuu)

Time skip *Lunch*
“What's our topic again? Is it history of the Philippines' hero? Isn't it kinda weird? I don't know heroes exist?” Hyunseo asked. “I think literally? Not with powers? I've been there once and I think the hero's name is Jose Rizal?” Juha replied.

“Wait look I searched it, the name is Jose Rizal. 'Known as the bayani or the national hero of the Philippines. He's a writer and best known for his political writings that inspired the Philippine revolution and ultimately led to his execution by the spanish colonizers.' That's what I seen on what I've searched. He's cool” Sooha giggled while me and Dooshik wrote it on a piece of paper.

“oh, I thought it was just some rumour” Hyunseo said and the bell rang. Everyone stood up and walked back to their own classroom while finishing their food. I looked at Juha and her mouth us full with the cake she finished. I handed her my water bottle and after that, reality hits me.

Shit, I just drank from that.

“Juha.. I think I shouldn't gave you the water” I gulped while she looked at me puzzeled at on what I just said. “What's wrong with the water..?” She asked. “Well, nevermind” I awkwardly smiled.

Time skip
“Well, what 'bout we go to Juha's house and continue the report?” Sooha said. “Sure!” Juha smiled. I looked at her with my wide eyes like I was telling her not to. But she ignored me.

We got in my car and while I was driving the four of them were just talking and laughing. I don't really get what's funny or I'm just too smart to understand? We took of to ‘Juha's house’ and they're too amazed on how big it is. They even asked her who is she living but she said- “I live with my boyfriend” She smiled. “oooooo~ tea” Hyunseo jokingly said.

Welp, this is weird. Let me go out and leave please.

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