Happy to have met

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Luna was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Her body was covered by the white bedsheets. She looked very comfortable. Damon walked in and smiled when his eyes landed on his niece. He sat on the side of the bed and started stroking her cheek gently.

"Luna." He whispered while still smiling.

"My little Moon. It's time to wake up."

Her eyes begin to open slowly and a big smile formed as soon as she saw her uncle.

"Good morning uncle."

"It's time to get up. We have to go or else we will miss the plane."

Luna groaned in frustration but soon she gave another big smile.

"Do you think he is gonna like me?" Her smile turned into a frown.

"Who? Stefan?" He asked confused. "He will go crazy for you. What is that stupid question? You are the cutest thing on earth. No, no. In the universe."

Her face carried a sympathetic smile. "Thank you."

In the plane...

Luna was sitting by the window and Damon was next to her. It was her first time in the plane and she was very excited. Damon found it hilariously cute, all her reactions to everything she saw out the window.

Soon her energy started draining and she rested her head on his arm and fell asleep.

Next thing she knew she wasn't on the plane anymore. Instead, she was on a bed, in an unfamiliar room.

"Where is my uncle?" she thought while panicking a little bit. Damon walked in right on time looking a bit concerned. At his sight, she began to calm down once again.

"Are you okay little Moon? I could hear your heartbeat go crazy." He said while sitting on the side of the bed.

"I'm okay. I just did not know where I was or where you were." She explained.

"Well, you are in the Salvatore Boarding house." He said smiling.

She looked confused. "How long was I asleep for?"

Damon chuckled. "You sleep a lot."

"Where is uncle Stefan?" She asked.

"He is in school. He will be back in an hour or two and can not wait to meet you."

"I'm feeling kind of nervous, uncle." She frowned.

"There is nothing to be nervous for, my little one." He said as he opened his arm to bring her in a tight hug. "You're going to be okay." He said and kissed the top of her head.

A while later...

Damon was watching TV while Luna was painting on the table in front of him when she heard a voice.

"Damon. Are you here?"

"In here, brother." He said while he smirked.

Luna's eyes were glued to the door waiting to see her uncle for the first time in her life. Her heart began to race inside her chest. Stefan walked in and stopped as soon as his eyes landed on her. She was sitting on the floor and looking at him.

"Hi." He whispered taking two slow steps towards her.

"Hi." She whispered back.

After a couple of seconds of just looking at each other, Luna looked at Damon instead and saw that he was looking at her.

"Go on. It's okay." He mentioned for her to get up and go to Stefan. She began to stand up and Stefan took a few more slow steps towards her. The distance between them was closed by Luna walking towards her uncle. She stopped just one step away and raised her head to look at him. Stefan responded by caressing her cheek gently and giving her a small smile. Opening her arms, she slowly took her uncle in a long embrace which he returned.

Later that day, Stefan took Luna out for ice cream. Just him and her. Sitting at the park while eating their ice cream, Stefan looked at her smiling face and he felt happiness.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked still smiling.

"I'm just happy to have met you, sweetie." Those words just made her smile bigger. She got closer to him and rested her shoulder against his arm and her head, against his shoulder.

After that day, they began to spend more and more time together and Stefan even introduced her to his friend and his girlfriend and they all adored her. She was sweet and funny and had everyone wrapped around her little finger.

Author's note: Please read my other story The Lost Kingdom. It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. 🙏

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