A little bit of time with him

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Klaus had finally gotten his body back and that made him happy. After talking with Greta and Maddox about his plan, he decided it was time to introduce Luna to the real Klaus.

He opens the door without making much noise. Luna was sitting on the floor again, painting. She had not noticed him yet. He closes the door.

Klaus: Hello, love.

By the way, he talked she immediately realized it was Klaus. But the sound of the voice was different. It wasn't Alaric's anymore. She turns around, finally noticing him. She looks at him up and down, confused.

Luna: You're Klaus, right?

Klaus: Yeah it's me, love. (He says and sits down in front of her.)

Luna: Will you paint with me, now? You did say that you would.

Klaus: I am really busy, but I can spare a bit of time for you.

He smiles. Luna hands him her notebook.

Klaus: Aren't you going to paint with me?

Luna: I want to see if you are as good as Elijah says.

Klaus: So basically you're just observing my skills?

Luna: Uh-huh. Can you please paint me something?

Luna asked. She got up on her knees and started dragging herself forward, toward him and stopped as soon as she was as close to him as she could. She sits down right next to him and rested her head against his shoulder.

Klaus: I guess I can do a quick painting for my little fan here.

Klaus smiled at her and so did she.

Klaus: Alright, love. What do you usually like to paint?

Luna: Umm... I like painting flowers and trees. And lakes or rivers. I like forests and...

Klaus chuckled.

Luna: Are you laughing at me? (Her eyes carried a bit of sadness.)

When he noticed her eyes, he stopped immediately.

Klaus: Oh no, no. Don't be sad, love. It just made me laugh because you weren't stopping. It was just adorable. Come here.

He said and opened his legs a bit so she could sit in the middle. Her back resting against his chest, he embraced her close to him. Then he grabbed the notebook and placed it on top of his knees. After that, he grabbed the paintbrush and began to paint something for her. Luna stayed quiet the whole time. She just observed every move he made. The way he held his paintbrush. The way the paintbrush stroke the letter. She noticed every little detail he made.

The painting took Klaus a little bit over half an hour. When he finished, he wiped his hands on the towel and then he noticed that Luna was looking blankly at the painting. With his left arm, he embraced her closer to him. When she felt his arm around her tummy, she looked up.

Klaus: You okay? You haven't said a word.

Luna: I didn't want to disturb you.

Klaus: So? Do you like it? Am I any good? (Klaus smirked and put his head down, closer to hers, and embraced her with his other arm as well.)

Luna: You're amazing. I love the painting.

Klaus: Then why don't you seem happy?

Luna: I just feel like I'm not good at all now.

Klaus: How old are you?

Luna: 9.

Klaus: Do you know how old I am?

Luna: Like a thousand, I think.

Klaus: Exactly. I am good at painting because I have practised for so long. When I was your age I didn't know how to paint that good. I wasn't even half as good as you. You can't put yourself down because someone is better than you.

Luna: Well, I hope I won't need a thousand years to be as good as you.

Klaus chuckled.

Klaus: Believe me, you will be better than me pretty soon, but you will have to practice every day.

Luna: Will you teach me? Please?

Klaus: Yeah, I will try, but you know you're going back to your uncles soon, right?

Luna: Won't I see you again?

Her eyes filled with tears. Klaus was surprised at her expression.

Klaus: Yes. I promise you will.

Luna stood up on her knees, turned around and hugged him. Klaus was shocked now but soon hugged her back.

Klaus: You are a really special kid, you know that, right?

Luna: So I have been told a few times.

Klaus: I have to leave now.

Luna: Okay.

Both of them, slowly, let go of each other. Klaus stood up.

Klaus: Alright, now. Behave while I'm gone.

Klaus gave her one last smile and began to leave. Luna got up and rushed after him, giving him another hug.

Luna: Please be safe.

Klaus pulled her away from him slowly and kneeled down to her level.

Klaus: I will. You have nothing to worry about.

Luna: You promise?

Klaus: I promise.

Luna: Okay.

She looked down sadly. Klaus leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. Her little hands were on top of his palms and his thumbs stroked the top of her hands.

Klaus: I will be back.

With those last words, he stood up and left.

[Author's note ❤️: I hope you enjoyed this short part I made to show the bond between Klaus and Luna so far. Love ya. ❤️:) ❤️:) ❤️:) ❤️ :)]

Author's note: Please read my other story The Lost Kingdom. It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. 🙏

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