Brave New World

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Salvatore Boarding House

Damon is pouring a blood bag in a glass. Stefan arrives at the same time Luna walked downstairs. Stefan smiles at the sight of her which she returns it gladly and goes towards him to give him a quick hug.

Stefan: Hello sweetie. Seen your other not-so-smart uncle?

Damon: I assume you mean me.

Damon gave him a half-smile.

Damon: Care for one?

Stefan: No, thank you. I'm not hungry, just ate.

Damon: Are you worried that one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back? I mean, surely they talk.

Luna began to laugh at her uncle's comment.

Stefan: I'm just happy that's a blood bag and not a sorority girl supplying your dinner.

Damon: I like this. You, walking on eggs shells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Very suspenseful. Is Elena worried too? I bet I'm your every conversation.

Stefan: Have you heard from Katherine?

Damon: I think the Lockwoods have a family secret because the Gilbert device affected them but vervain didn't so they're not vampires, they're something else.

Stefan: Is this your new obsession?

Damon: You'd rather some unknown supernatural element running rampant upon our town. Fine, I'll drop it.

Stefan: We haven't seen the last of Katherine, you do know that right? We have no idea what she's up to.

Damon: Sure we do. She came back to profess her undying eternal love for you so I'm gonna let you deal with her because I have more important things to do like explode. Cheers!

Stefan: You're supposed to be taking care of Luna. Not getting drunk on blood.

Luna's smile faded away. She understood that her uncle was going through something that really hurt his feelings and she did not like to see him like that. Not after the way, he behaved last night. I mean, yes, she was wrong to leave her desk a mess like that but he never raised his voice at her. Never. To be totally honest, she was feeling a bit afraid of his behavior.

Damon: I am taking care of her. She is fine. Are you fine, little Moon?

Luna: I am okay.

Damon turned to Stefan half smiling.

Damon: See? She is okay.

Stefan: Come on Luna. You're coming with me.

Luna: Okay.

Luna rushes towards Damon and gives him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek which he returns it with a smile.

Luna: I love you.

Damon: I love you too.

Stefan and Luna walk outside.

Mystic Falls High School

Damon is looking at Tyler who is arm wrestling in a competition. Stefan arrives with Luna.

Stefan: You're lurking.

Damon: I'm observing.

Stefan: More like obsessing.

Tyler wins.

Damon: He's got strength.

Stefan: He's a triple letter varsity athlete, of course, he has strength. You're reaching.

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