Do not fear, daddy is here

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After that night, Klaus began to have those dreams regularly. He believed that those dreams were a message but he could not comprehend what they meant. Also, he tried to make sure that Luna did not notice them again. The last thing he wanted was for her to get worried about him. She gets worried easily.

The next day came and the sun had risen once again. With the new day that had just begun, it was time to leave this town and go to the next one. They all packed their bags, Klaus helped Luna to pack hers and made their way to the car. Klaus was driving and Stefan was in the passenger's seat while Luna sat behind.

Luna: Can we stop for breakfast? I'm so hungryyy.

Klaus: Yeah, love. You just have to wait for a bit. There is no place to eat nearby.

Luna: I'm going to starve.

Stefan: You will survive.

Luna: Yeah right.

She said and proceeded to get lost in her mind while Klaus and Stefan began to talk about werewolves. Soon Klaus stopped at a small coffee shop so Luna can eat breakfast.

Luna: Finally here. I want pancakes!!!

She said excitedly as she rushed inside.

Luna: Wait. Can I try coffee?

Stefan and Klaus: No.

Luna: Geez. I was just kidding. A little bit.

They all sat down and Luna ordered her pancakes and a strawberry milkshake after.

Luna: I love strawberries.

Klaus: You have said that a million times till now.

Luna: I just love them so much

Klaus and Stefan smiled.

Luna: I got to go to the bathroom now. Move.

Luna tried to push Klaus out of the way but she soon understood that she couldn't.

Klaus: So brutal.

Klaus chuckled and got up for her to pass. Luna ran to the bathroom.

After a few seconds of silence, Klaus decided to ask.

Klaus: I have been meaning to ask you. What happened to Luna's parents?

Klaus asked Stefan after sitting down again.

Stefan: We don't know much. Damon found her outside the front door with a letter addressed to him.

Klaus: What did the letter say?

Stefan: This girl claiming to be our little half-sister. Apparently, my father had an affair.

Klaus: You believed the letter?

Stefan: Damon said he did a DNA test on Luna and it turned out that it wasn't a lie. She was indeed related to us.

Klaus: If that's true then your sister should be over 100 years old. The only way she would survive would be if she was a vampire and vampires can not have children. How is Luna even born?

Stefan: Apparently, my sister was half-witch.

Klaus: A hybrid?! That's not possible.

Luna: I'm back guys.

Klaus looked at Luna shocked. She frowned and looked at Stefan.

Luna: What's wrong with him?

Klaus: Nothing. Nothing.

Klaus looked away.

Luna: Anyway. Are we leaving now?

Stefan: Yeah, I guess so.

In the car, Klaus could not focus. He kept looking at Luna through the mirror. After a long drive, they arrived at the new hotel they were going to stay for a couple of days. Again, Luna stayed with Klaus.

Luna sat down on the edge of the bed.

Luna: You have been acting weird all day.

Klaus: Weird? What do you mean?

Luna: Well, you keep looking at me weirdly.

Klaus looked at her for a few seconds and did not say anything.

Luna: Like that. You're doing it again. You're acting weird. Are you having bad dreams again?

Klaus: Luna? Can I ask you something?

Luna: I guess.

Klaus: What do you know about your parents?

Luna looked down sadly.

Klaus: I apologise. I did not mean to upset you, love.

He said and walked towards her. He kneeled down in front of her so he could look into her eyes while they spoke.

Luna: It's okay. Uncle Damon told me that my mother died giving birth to me. But I don't know anything about my father. It's like he doesn't exist.

Klaus: So you haven't seen any photos of him or anything like that?

Luna shook her head.

Luna: I think I have seen him in my dreams.

She whispered.

Klaus: What do you mean?

Luna: I haven't told anyone.

Klaus: You can tell me.

Luna: After Rose kidnapped me and Elena, I started having bad dreams at night. Mostly about this man.

Klaus: What did he look like?

Luna: I don't know. I have never seen his face. He did some bad stuff.

Klaus: Bad stuff?

Luna: Yeah. He hurt people. Like, badly. Really badly.

Klaus: In your dreams?

Luna: Uh-huh. I believe mom didn't want me to meet him. That's why she wanted uncle Damon to raise me.

Klaus: Do you want to meet him?

Luna: I just need to know why he does what he does. And I want to know if he knows about me. If he wants me.

Klaus: What if he does? Would you go with him?

Luna: I don't know. I want to have a parent. But what if he doesn't want me? What if mom wanted to keep me away from him for a reason? Should I stay away?

Klaus: I can not tell you what to do. You got to follow your heart.

Luna: I'm scared of him, Klaus.

Klaus: There is nothing to be afraid of. I'm always going to protect you.

Luna hugged him which he gladly returned it.

Klaus: Don't be scared.

He whispered.

Klaus: I got one last question.

Luna pulled away and looked at him, waiting for his question.

Klaus: What was your mother's name?

Luna: Sofia.

Klaus's eyes widen in shock. Was she?!

Author's note: Please read my other story The Lost Kingdom. It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. 🙏

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