A conversation with him

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It's been days since Luna saw Elijah again. For some strange reason, every time she sees him, she feels safe. She has been wondering, why she feels like that? I mean he is the bad guy, right?

Luna was painting in her room.

Suddenly she felt a presence in her room

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Suddenly she felt a presence in her room. She turned around and saw someone she did not expect to be there.

Elijah: Do not be afraid, please. I wish you no harm.

Luna: I'm not scared.

Elijah gave her a quick smile.

Luna: What are you doing in my room?

Elijah: I... (He struggled to understand the reason why he was there.) I do not know. I just felt the need to see you. Since the day I first saw you, I just felt like I needed to be part of your life. It's so strange. I do not comprehend it.

Luna: I get it. I have this weird feeling about you, too and I do not understand it either. All I know is that I feel safe when you are around.

Luna gets up from the chair and walks slowly towards him.

Luna: My uncle doesn't like you and would be mad if he knew you were here.

Elijah: I know. I shouldn't have come.

Luna: It's okay. I won't tell him.

Elijah smiled at her and caressed her cheek then his attention got caught by the painting on her desk and slowly he walked towards it. With his left hand, he picks the painting up and observes it. Luna gets closer to him.

Elijah: You are extremely talented, sweetheart. Do you love to paint?

Luna: Yeah, I do. I try to paint every day in order to get better.

Elijah: That's good. My younger brother loves it, too.

Luna: You have a brother?

Elijah: I have a few siblings. (He smiles sadly.)

Luna: Where are they?

Elijah: I do not know. I am trying to find them.

Luna: I'm sorry. I hope you succeed in finding them.

Elijah: Thank you. Maybe one day, you will get to meet them.

Luna: Even the one who loves to paint? (Luna smiled at him while Elijah's smile faded slowly.)

Elijah: Yeah, maybe.

Luna: Is he really good at painting?

Elijah: (He looks at her with sad eyes.) He is amazing.

Luna: Maybe he can teach me to paint better. Do you think he would? Can you ask him when you find him?

Elijah: Yeah, I guess I could ask him. But do not get your hopes up. He is not a good man.

Luna: He hurts people?

Elijah nodded.

Elijah: A lot.

Luna: Why?

Luna's look of curiosity surprised him. She seemed so calm about it.

Elijah: I guess he has his reasons.

Luna: My uncle hurts people, too. Both of them actually, but my uncle Damon, more. I know why he hurts them though.

Elijah: And why is that?

Luna: Because he is hurt. Hurt people do bad stuff in order to feel better.

Elijah: That is true.

Luna: Is that why you do bad stuff, too? Why you killed Trevor that day? Did he hurt you?

Elijah: No, not him. But I guess I did what I did because I might have felt a bit hurt. But that's a long story for you to know the reason why I did it. And it's not a story for kids. Maybe when you grow up, I will tell you.

Luna: (Smiles.) Will you still be by my side by then?

Elijah smiles back at her.

Elijah: Always and forever.

What happened next shocked him. In a matter of seconds, Luna rushed to hug him. Her little arms could not embrace him fully. It took a few minutes for him to comprehend what had happened and hug her back.

When they finally let go of each other, Elijah was the one to speak first.

Elijah: I guess I must leave now. I do not desire to put you in any trouble with your uncles.

Luna: Will I see you soon?

Elijah: I sure hope so. You, my little one, are a wonder. Never change the way you see the world and the people in it.

Elijah leaned in and gave her a peck on the forehead. In a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Luna sat down and picked her painting up.

Damon walks in. They make eye contact immediately.

Luna: Hello uncle Damon. (She smiles.)

Damon: What got you all smiley- smiley?

Luna chuckled.

Damon: Whatever did, I'm grateful. It's good to see you smiling again. (He looks down at the painting in her hands.) That's probably one of the best ones yet.

Luna: It's not that good.

Damon: Are you kidding me? That's fantastic and you're only 9. Do not underestimate yourself, little moon.

Luna: Alright. Thanks, uncle.

Damon: It's time to sleep now. It's getting late.

Luna looked down sadly.

Damon: I know all these nightmares are scaring you every night you sleep, but you have to at least try. I will be right here and you know it. I promise you. Nothing shall harm my little girl. Will you please try? For me?

Luna looked at her uncle and nodded. Damon took her hand and walked her to her bed. Luna laid down and Damon helped cover her.

Damon: Do you want me to stay?

Luna nodded and Damon laid down next to her. She immediately snuggled up against his chest.

Luna: Goodnight uncle. I love you.

Damon: I love you way more. I swear. I love you so much it drives me crazy.

Author's note: Please read my other story The Lost Kingdom. It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. 🙏

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