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Tommy had officially been living with the Craft family for a week and it honestly felt longer than that. He had the same feeling with his last foster home as well, but this house was for a different reason. Here, it didn't drone on. Instead, Tommy found himself savouring every moment he had with them, lingering on his enjoyment.

The house was quiet for once and he was on his phone, holding it at an awkward angle since his knuckles still hurt from beating the shit out of a statue (something he very much regretted now). His room didn't share the ease he experienced in this house though, it was still empty and didn't look lived in. No amount of posters or decorations could make it feel like home, not with the suicide prevention windows mocking him every night. All he wanted was for fresh air, he had no intention of using the window as a diving board from the second floor.

"Tommy!" Wilbur burst into his room, causing him to drop the phone in his hands.

"You bitch."

"I require your assistance," Wilbur said, grinning as Tommy tried to regain his breath. He did this occasionally, running into his room without knocking, scaring the shit out of him, ever since Tommy did the same to Wilbur.


"You haven't even heard what I need you for." Wilbur stood straight and gave Tommy a look that would have frightened him if he didn't know how much of a pussy Wilbur was (they both agreed to never speak about the spider incident).

He sighed but let himself be pulled up from his bed and pushed into Wilbur's room.

"Now, I know you like my kind of music, so I need to show you something because Technoblade is being a little bitch at the moment."

"How do you know I like your music?"

"You're not very subtle at stealing my music taste in the car. Next time, use Shazam or something." Wilbur laughed as Tommy's ears reddened. "Awe, you're embarrassed."

"Shut the fuck up." Tommy hit his shoulder and watched Wilbur display his SoundCloud and Spotify accounts on both of his computer monitors.

The various Spotify playlists Wilbur created were on the side of the screen. Tommy stopped reading their titles when he got to the 'POV: water is wet' playlist. Who the fuck names a playlist that?

"Give me your opinion on this song," Wilbur said, clicking on one of his drafted audio files. "A warning though, it's got shitty audio, courtesy of our school's recording equipment."

This didn't surprise him since he'd seen the shitty music equipment the school had, the drum kits were incomplete and the sound of the snare made him want to commit arson, specifically in the music room (every music lesson was hell on his ears).

The song started playing and the trumpet caught him off guard; the song was named 'One Day' and he liked it, despite Wilbur's awful singing—that was a lie but Tommy didn't want to fuel Wilbur's ego.

When Wilbur paused it, Tommy frowned at him. "Is this why you guys don't have a pet?"


Tommy leaned over him and replayed the first couple seconds of the song. "Who killed your cat?"

"I've never had a cat."

Tommy stared at him blankly. "Don't tell me this is some precise metaphor about pussy."

"I never want to hear that word come out of your mouth." The disgust Wilbur expressed didn't answer Tommy's statement though.

He opened his mouth to repeat himself but Wilbur grabbed an empty can of Pringles and waved it around as menacingly as possible. "Don't think I won't hit you."

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