30 - epilogue

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Ever since Niki had texted Techno to come back home, Tommy's leg couldn't stop shaking. He didn't know if there was a correlation between the two or if it was just a side-effect of resurrection, but either way, it was annoying. Everything else still hurt; his skin, bones, muscles at each movement. 

He leaned his back against the bathroom door, his eyes avoiding the mirror. He was scared to look into it, afraid that he wouldn't recognise the person staring back at him. When he eventually did, his jaw clenched. Bruises painted the length of his neck, shades of purple and blue, colours that probably wouldn't fade. The remains of Ariadne. He buried the insecurities riddling inside of him, the desperate need to hide the marks, to suppress the evidence of his death. 

A coldness crept down the back of his neck. Despite there being no thread wrapped around his throat, the sensation never left. 

He splashed water on his face, grasping harshly onto the sink, fighting off whimpers as it wet his skin. The sensitivity hadn't dulled yet. 

Tommy walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room, where he left Tubbo. 

It seemed Tubbo noticed his anxiety with how a frown immediately came to his face. "You alright, boss man?"

He bit on his cheek; he craved to lie and say it was all okay. But it wasn't. Instead, he pointed at his neck, the cascading bruises permanently blemishing his throat, and sighed. 

Tubbo took one glance at his neck and rushed out of the room. 

Tommy stood in shock, not really knowing what to do. What was the appropriate response when your best friend, who you loved unconditionally and never would judge, ran away from you the second they noticed the bruises that fuelled his new fragility? 

He gulped, struggling to keep the newfound tears swelling in his eyes from falling, as silence furnished the empty room. 

But minutes later, Tubbo ran back with Ranboo trailing after him, a bright smile on his lips and items in his hands.

"I am so fucking stupid," Tommy muttered to himself as he realised what Tubbo had rushed to get. 

"Here." Tubbo chucked at him the freshly washed green bandana and 'My Beloved' locket Ranboo had gifted him. 

"It'll cover up your neck," Ranboo said, gesturing to the bandana.

Warmth charged through him, filling every crevasse that once felt abandoned and lost with fondness and adoration. He stroked the soft fabric and steel chain. He didn't deserve them, he didn't deserve the kindness from Tubbo's heart and Ranboo's selfless nature. With them, he felt complete, as if no insecurity or doubt could darken his head or poison his mood. 

He tied the bandana around his neck, in the similar fashion Phil had done for MCC and clasped the seal of the locket. Tommy exhaled, comforted by the touch of the fabric and crisp metal chain. 

"Thank you," he whispered.

"We'll leave you when your brothers come back," Tubbo stated, although it sounded like he didn't want to.

Ranboo rolled his eyes at him. "Yeah, you should have privacy with them," he said, more directed to Tubbo than to Tommy. "We'll just be in your room though. You won't get rid of us that easily."

Tommy grinned and nodded, still fuzzy inside from the accessories around his neck. 

The rustling of keys came from outside the entrance door. Tommy froze. This was it, he would see them again. No longer would his final memories of his brothers be tarnished by him dying on the kitchen floor, their arms clinging onto his deceased body, desperate to not mourn a boy who had wormed his way into their hearts. 

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