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For the number of times random people had slammed into the back of his shoes with their trolleys in Tesco's, Tommy may leave this shopping centre with no shoes at all. He had to quickly leave the dairy aisle after he shoved his trolley into the back of someone who ran over his ankle. Sure, the man had back problems but the fucker deserved it. Tommy had a problem with him and dealt with it accordingly.

Phil observed the entire thing with a look that Tommy could only describe as 'please for the love of God stop terrorising people' mixed with a hint of 'you should have hit them back harder'.

Disregarding all of that, he liked their shopping trip. Every time he passed something he wanted and Phil said he couldn't buy it, Tommy brought up how upset Phil made him last week by shouting at him. It was guilt-tripping and borderline manipulative, but he had good intentions. The bottles of Coke and many types of biscuits were worth it.

"Can you get the last items for me?" Phil asked, passing him the shopping list. "I need to get something from the pharmacy section."

"Sure." Tommy read the list—well, he tried to, Phil's handwriting was atrocious—and decided to do his own shopping instead. He didn't feel like visiting the toiletry aisle.

Year 13 Resit:

Tommy: I'm at Tesco's, do you want anything?

Wilbur: if you get me a white monster and a chocolate freddo I will cherish you forever

Tommy: ew

Wilbur: silence, gremlin

Tommy: ok, no gifts then.

Wilbur: no no no please. I apologise, gimme stuff

               dont leave me on read u bitch

He grinned at his phone. Wilbur had been ignoring everyone for the past couple of days, though he still sent random Reddit links to the family group chat at various hours late in the night or early morning. Tommy hoped a White Monster and some chocolate would prompt a conversation with the man—and that was not because he cared about Wilbur. No, he was just curious about why he was acting this way. Okay, maybe he cared a little bit but only that much.

His phone vibrated in his hand.

Anime Man:

Technoblade: Get me strawberry laces.

Tommy didn't even want to know how Techno knew he was getting people snacks. But he kind of owed him, so a pack of strawberry laces on top of what Wilbur wanted wouldn't hurt Phil's budget. After he got what the two requested and the rest of the shopping, Phil joined him again (he ignored how the man groaned at the amount of new items that was not in the trolley when Phil left).

In the car ride back to the house, Tommy noticed the date on his phone. "Is the reason we did food shopping because Linda is coming round and you don't want it to look like you're starving me?"

Phil glanced at him during the red light. "Tommy, what the fuck?"

"That isn't a no."

"But it isn't a yes!"

"You just said yes."

"I can't deal with you." Tommy laughed at Phil's pain. "Put on music or something."

SBI - His Curse of BindingWhere stories live. Discover now