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Tommy did not like having to sit on the floor behind the music block but because he didn't feel like changing out of his P.E kit for breaktime, he needed to. What kind of sick fuck made him have double physical education with break slotted in between, meaning that he had to get changed just to eat a sandwich for fifteen minutes and get changed again?

It was the last day of school before Christmas break and Tubbo and Ranboo sat beside him, deep in a conversation about their plans for Christmas that Tommy didn't know if he was a part of. He had only been friends with them for about two months.

"Should we do a Secret Santa this year?"

That was something Tommy hated about Christmas, the part where you were borderline obligated to get people gifts. He used to love the holiday, especially when his brother would go out of his way to make it special, but then war did what it usually did to things Tommy loved and rotted it to its core.

"A Secret Santa with three people?" Ranboo's words caught Tommy's attention. Three people, him included. Warmth travelled to his cheeks.

"Yeah, but we just gotta make sure that each person gets a different name," Tubbo explained.


"We could download an app or something—"

"Or we could get someone to arrange who gets the gifts," Tommy said, shuffling closer to them.

"No offence but we're not exactly popular people in this school."

Tommy narrowed his eyes at him. "Speak for yourself. I could get Clementine to do it."

"Who's that?"

"She's the girl I sit next to in English. She teaches me new terminology she picks up from TikTok and Twitter each lesson. Miss King hates it when she includes it in her essay drafts, so I asked Clem if I could do the same."

"Please don't tell me she's the one responsible for you learning the term 'mansplain'," Ranboo groaned as Tommy nodded at him with a proud smile on his face. It was the word that Tommy kept whispering to him during science in first period every time the boy answered a question.

"Fine. Clementine decides the Secret Santa. You better not rig it so we all have to give you presents though," Tubbo said, pointing his figure accusingly at Tommy.

He put his hands up in a mocking surrender. "Hold up, I didn't even think of that."

"Nice Tubbo, now you've given him ideas," Ranboo said.

"Now lads, you know me, I would never do that."

"You literally would."

The school bell saved Tommy from having to defend himself over something he probably would do, but for the sake of friendship, he won't rig the Secret Santa. It was probably the last Christmas he'd experience in this life if he didn't find a myth that made sense.

Tommy visited the bench again last night, the island sea helping him focus on researching the fuck out of Greek myths. He refused to be Jason though; out of all the cool Greek names and the hero who captured the Golden Fleece was called Jason. That was just embarrassing. His myth was filled with betrayal and murder, something else he'd like to avoid being associated with. Though, the shit name disturbed Tommy more.

P.E and English class passed quickly, and he hated how he was in a good mood before history. Clementine had given him Tubbo's name for the Secret Santa instead of Ranboo's, which he was thankful for (you'd never catch him buying anything for an American).

He swore Miss Allingham's history classroom just reeked of 'I'm here to represent any flaw of the modern education system'. It also didn't help that this would be his last lesson before Christmas break since school ended early. The tables were arranged differently than usual, placed as lined desks instead of joined tables. Despite that, he sat in between Tubbo and Ranboo and laid his head on the desk.

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