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It was the thirty-first of March and Tommy had a plan. All he needed for his plan to work was for Phil to let him go.

"No chance," Phil said as he put another packet of Walkers crisps into the shopping basket.

"Why not?" Tommy whined. Now, he did have self-respect, but that wouldn't stop him from causing a scene in the middle of the snacks aisle of Tesco's.

"Tommy, you're fifteen."

"That means I get a cheaper train ticket."

"As if you'd buy a train ticket to begin with. You'd probably jump over the ticket barriers."

Tommy scowled at him for assuming such a horrid thing (that he would totally do). "I've seen people do it on YouTube, it's possible."

"This is why I won't let you go to London."

"Fine," he resigned and threw a packet of strawberry laces into Phil's hands. "I'm still going round Tubbo's tomorrow though. We need to finish season seven of Grey's Anatomy."

Phil nodded and walked them into the drinks aisle.

Normally Tommy would feel immense guilt for lying to Phil, the creator of Minecraft and only example of a good man, but he needed to do this. If he had to lie about being interested in a hospital show with too many fucking seasons to make this happen, then so be it. He had planned a journey to London with Tubbo and Ranboo for tomorrow, which he would do with or without Phil's permission.

The number of days to his birthday had gotten shorter. He wanted to make every day count, whether that was creating more memories with his friends or being the cause for Phil's blood pressure to rise.

The next day, he left the house with a bag packed with his Christmas money and Wilbur's credit card (he was also wearing one of the sweatshirts Wilbur got him so the act of stealing cancelled out). He was ready to make this the best day out for Tubbo and Ranboo that they would ever experience. This was for them, after all.

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble for this?" Ranboo asked for the twentieth time as they boarded the train to Westminster.

"Ranboo, you already are on thin ice for wasting our money."

"It's not my fault they didn't believe I was young enough for a child's ticket!"

"Wow, that must suck," Tubbo grumbled. He was pissed off that the lady at the desk believed Tubbo to be young enough for a child's ticket despite him being the oldest and one year over the child ticket age.

"Grow taller then," Tommy said. It was simple advice, people chose to be short.

"As soon as this train opens for the next stop, I will throw you out of those doors."

"Can you even reach the button to open them?"

Thankfully, the train began to move before Tubbo could proceed with his plans of murdering Tommy.

Ranboo sat in between the two of them and asked, "What are we even going to do in London?"

"Yeah, you haven't told us anything."

"It's a surprise," Tommy beamed.

Tubbo turned to Ranboo as if this was going to be the last time he'd ever be on a train. "We're going to return home in body bags."

"They'd struggle to find a body bag to fit me. You'd be fine though, Tubbo."

"What the fuck?"


Tommy dragged them across the London bridge, ignoring Tubbo and Ranboo's discussion of how swimmable the River Thames looked.

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