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If Tommy was honest to himself, he really shouldn't spend most of his therapy sessions with Puffy just talking shit about Linda Smith. Puffy never tried to change the subject or direct it to something else, like maybe the massive number of issues and underlying trauma he had picked up from centuries of death and torment from Dream. But, as always, Tommy preferred to ignore that and talk about something else.

Nonetheless, he did get some heat off his chest with slagging off Linda for a solid hour—Puffy had to calm him down when he got a bit too into describing what he would do to Linda in a lawless world. Apparently wanting to curb stomp an elderly woman who was there to help foster children was an immoral thing to say (Puffy seemed to want to fight the women as well though).

The agreement he had with Wilbur was what he liked most out of these therapy sessions. This time, they sat on a picnic bench in the local park, snacking on the meal deals they bought from the Tesco Express. Wilbur still came out of his session crying, but it wasn't as bad as the last. A triple chicken sandwich distracted Wilbur enough.

"What do you talk about with your therapist to get you all... crying and shit?" Tommy asked as he took another bite from his sandwich.

"Stop talking with your mouth full, you disgusting child," Wilbur scolded. "And uh, we talked about my mum."

Tommy sipped on his drink as Wilbur fiddled with his hands, something he regularly did.

"I told him about the song I made about her and the idea I had to turn it into something else," he explained, peering past Tommy's head, almost as if he wasn't able to look Tommy in his eyes.

"'Your Mother Was Right'?"

"Yeah, that one. I might just base it on a past breakup I had during year twelve," Wilbur said, looking back down at his hands. "God, her sister hated me during that relationship."

Tommy threw his Mars bar at Wilbur, catching his attention. He didn't like the anxiety rummaging in Wilbur's head. "Were you a dickhead or something?"

Wilbur chuckled humourlessly. "Yep. Some general advice for you: don't go into a relationship with someone after a family death. It's not a good idea."

"Her sister was right to hate you then," Tommy joked, hoping that if he treated this entire thing like a piss-take, then Wilbur would do the same. It was usually how he got out of dealing with sadness.

"Thanks for the new song title."

"Credit me, you prick."

Brown eyes stared back at him, glinted with hilarity. "Nope."

"You are the worst person I have ever met."

"The worst person you have ever met literally bought you your food," Wilbur quipped back, his shoulders more relaxed than before.

"Don't gloat over buying me a three pound meal deal, that's just sad."

There was a sudden pause before the two burst out laughing. Warmth radiated in his chest, melting the Spring chill on his skin as Wilbur beamed at him, all anxiety forgotten about. He liked it better this way.

"Will, with your album," Tommy began, his voice softer than usual. "Would you ever sing them to me?"

"If this goes well, I'll sing them to everyone. You and Technoblade first," Wilbur said with a timid smile.

"Why Techno?"

"I crave his validation."

"From The Blade?" Tommy asked, his scowl creasing as Wilbur nodded. "You are a sad, sad man."

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