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Now, Tommy had many enemies but he would never wish upon them having to sit through two hours of English class with Miss King. Most of his enemies were dead yet his point still stands. His teacher peaked in her twenties when she had a youthful face, a role in the theatres and hadn't developed a nicotine addiction yet.

The only part of his English lessons he enjoyed was the running commentary he got from the person to his left. Clementine, a girl with dark tanned skin and pink butterfly clips in her brown hair, practically carried the class. If Miss asked a question and no one answered, she'd just volunteer the most random shit—she once compared Romeo and Juliet to 'Twilight' (she did make good points though).

But the way Miss King droned on about a specific poem even drained Clementine, who kept drawing flowers Tommy's clear pencil case rather than paying attention to the teacher's unanswered questions.

When she had finished her drawing, he gathered up enough confidence to bother her.

"Clem, you know girls, right?" he asked, not too sure on how to start this conversation. The whole issue with Niki had been irritating him this entire week and he didn't know what to do.

"Well, I am one, so yes. Why?" she said as she closed the cap of her pen.

Tommy leaned closer to her. "Okay, this is hypothetical and does not apply to me. So, a girl, who's like a big sister to this person, betrayed them years ago but now it seems like she's sorry and has changed. Should I- should they just get over it or...?"

"What did this girl do to betray you?" Clementine asked, smiling widely when Tommy frowned.

"I didn't say this was about me."

"Tommy, you do not have a subtle bone in your body," she said. "Answer the question."

He glared and she returned the look, only a thousand times harsher until he answered, "She basically left me when I was in a bad place mentally."

"Oh." Clementine's glare softened. "I wasn't expecting that. How has she showed she's sorry or has changed?"

Tommy bit on his cheek as he recalled his conversation with Niki—it was something he tried to forget ever since the following Dream visit.

"She hasn't apologised, but she's dyed her hair."

"I was aiming for changes like emotional maturement or improvement, rather than long-term hair damage," Clementine said.

Tommy shrugged and she rolled her eyes.

"In my opinion, you should first focus on healing or whatever from the betrayal and bad place you were in. Then, it's a matter of her apologising and whether you choose to forgive her or not," she explained, not caring the teacher was openly staring at the two of them talking.

"What if this betrayal is deeply rooted trauma and not something I could get over in time?"

"Get drunk or get a therapist, I don't know," she muttered as Tommy sighed. "Don't look at me like that, you came to me for advice."

Tommy banged his head on the table. "Ugh, thanks anyway."

"Now that's over, help me analyse this poem."

"Clem, Ozymandias isn't that deep, you don't need to analyse it again."

"Say that again, I dare you," she threatened, holding her pen fiercely as if she was about to shank him.

"Fucking hell, fine, I'll help."

She grinned and handed him her green highlighter.

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