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Tommy blamed Wilbur for all his problems, which for once, was accurate since it was Wilbur's fault for him returning home freezing his arse off with a scratch on his leg. Who the fuck forced a tired and emotionally burnt out child to jump over a massive garden fence at five o'clock in the morning? A selfish dickhead, that's who. (And yes, Tommy only called himself a child when it expedited pity points).

"Stop hitting me, you're the one who couldn't jump properly," Wilbur grumbled as Tommy whacked his shoulder for the sixteenth time.


"You need to get more creative with your death threats," Wilbur said. "Try visiting TikTok comment sections."

"I will murder you and bury you with only one sock on."

"That's not the creativity I was looking for." Wilbur opened the glass door connected to the living room.

It was suspicious how the door was unlocked. But the major red flag was Techno sitting on the sofa reading a book in pure darkness with Phil asleep next to him.

"How the fuck are you reading that?" Tommy blurted out.

"I've memorised this book so I know when to change the page," Techno replied, his eyes still glued onto the book in his hands. Tommy was more concerned over how the book Techno chose to memorise was The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

Techno closed the book and drew their attention to Phil. "Who's gonna take the blame?"

Both Tommy and Wilbur pointed at each other and said at the same time, "Not me."

"You taking the blame is the first step of you making it up to me," Tommy declared, grinning as Wilbur pouted at him.

"Dad is going to beat me to death."

"Then you won't have to be in debt to me anymore."

"In debt?" Techno asked.

"He emotionally scarred me, these are the consequences," Tommy explained and patted Wilbur on the back, annoying the man further.


"Don't 'heh?' me dipshit. You're in debt as well. You ditched our weekly fencing."

Techno at least had the decency to look guilty about it.

"I want an apology and not another Greek mythology children's book."

"What about the adult version?" Techno huffed as Tommy narrowed his eyes at him. "Alright, sorry. We can go fencing later after you sleep."

"Good enough."

"Now you guys are back, I'm going to bed. Good luck dealing with Phil, Wilbur."

Techno picked up his book and left the living room. Wilbur hadn't moved a muscle, his gaze stuck on Phil.

"I'm sleeping in your room tonight," Wilbur said.

"Nope. I've had enough of Wilbur Craft for the rest of my life after today."

"I will wake up dead." Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulder and shook them as he spoke. "Dad is going to skin me alive."

"No therapy needed for you then," Tommy shrugged, unbothered as Wilbur continued to shake him. "Goodnight."

Wilbur groaned and flicked Tommy on the forehead. Then ran up the stairs as fast as he could—scared of the repercussions of his actions like a fucking pussy.

Yawning, Tommy looked around at the dark living room and turned off the muted TV. He gripped the blanket around his waist and draped it over Phil.

"Techno?" Phil said, groggily, waking up from his sleep. Tommy tensed. "Oh, you're home safe."

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