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Tommy did not care that it was Christmas, he refused to get out of bed. He had turned off his alarm and thrown his phone across the room, but it still kept ringing. It took Wilbur yelling at him through the walls for him to roll out of bed and grab his phone.

Bench Trio:

Ranboo: Merry Christmas (Tubbo says it as well!)

Tommy: merry christmas boob boy.

Ranboo: The audacity you have after I just said something nice to you.

Tommy: see you lads on new year's eve :D

After he freshened himself up, he picked up the bag of presents he had wrapped (he asked Phil to do it for him but the man refused—apparently everyone in this household was bad at wrapping as well) and went downstairs.

He wasn't sure what disturbed him more, the sight of seeing Techno assaulting the glitter tinsel on the Christmas tree or that the man was wearing a Santa onesie. The safe choice was both. Ignoring all that, Tommy entered the kitchen and Phil was in the middle of preparing the food for Christmas dinner.

"Merry Christmas, I was wondering when you'd bother getting up," Phil greeted as he checked on the turkey in the oven.

"Is it really my fault that Wilbur made me stay up until midnight just so he could tell me that Santa wasn't real the second it turned Christmas day?"

"He did that?"

"Yep," Tommy said, still bitter. "He told me he had something really important to tell me and it was that bullshit."

He followed Phil out of the kitchen, who started setting up the table.

"Is there any chance I can spit in his food or would he notice?" Tommy asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Mate, not on Christmas," Phil sighed.

"So I can do it tomorrow?"


Tommy dropped the subject. He put the Christmas crackers next to the plates Phil had placed down. He frowned at the number on the table. He counted five, with the seat next to Phil, which was normally empty, having a plate in front of it.

"Is someone else joining us for dinner?" Tommy asked. Phil looked at him confused, so he pointed at the fifth plate, causing Phil to freeze in place.

"Oh right, I must have miscounted." Phil didn't make any move to get rid of the extra plate, he just stared at it for a moment.

"Why don't you help Techno detangle himself from the Christmas tree and I'll finish setting up the table?" Tommy offered, bewildered by the other's reaction. Phil nodded, still lost in thought, and made his way into the living room.

Tommy finished with the table and examined the Christmas decorations around the house. It surprised him that none of it reminded him of the previous foster home. The presents were scattered around the fireplace instead of piled under the tree, they were even wrapped in different kinds of wrapping paper (some had the words 'happy birthday' on them), and the ornaments on the tree were non-traditional—especially the ones which had swearwords on them. This was probably Wilbur's doing, at least he learnt something whilst breaching his privacy with that fucking YouTube video; Tommy was still bothered by that, but it's not something either of them could take back.

He stopped looking at the decorations and faced Techno, who was now detangled from the tree and took to glaring at it instead. "Should I wake Wilbur?"

"No, I'll do it. He'll try to kick you," Techno said.

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