Chapter 4

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Tommy slowly opened his eyes. He laid there for a few seconds before he came to his senses and shot up, twisting his head to the side to look at the rusty clock hanging above the front door.

 The two of the three ticking arrows pointed at 7:13. Fuck, he was gonna be late again. He shot up from the couch and almost fell when he felt his hair get caught in something and yanked. He groaned and put his hand on the back of his neck to search for what it got caught on. 

He had been stupid enough to fall asleep in that Prime forsaken necklace, his hair got tangled up in it. He yanked his hair out of the necklace chain and unclicked the lock hook, taking it off. He put it back in his hoodie pocket. 

Tommy didn't have the time to change clothes, let alone much clothes to change into in the first place. He was about to rush out of the door when he heard his phone's ringtone play.

Of course, his ringtone was his favorite song. "I Hear A Symphony." by Cody Fry. He quickly turned around and grabbed the phone. The person calling him was labeled as "Grumpy Twink", aka his boss. It was an ongoing joke between him and Tubbo. His boss was an absolute ass and had a deep, brooding voice but was physically built like a little twig.

He picked up the phone and immediately almost dropped it when there was loud shouting in his ear.

"Tommy D.K. Innit. Yesterday was the third time you didn't show up to work! Where the hell were you?!" His voice was drenched in anger and hostility.

"I'm sorry, I slept in and—" He tried to explain but got cut off.

"I don't wanna hear it. I'm done with your nonsense excuses. You're always late, you never get your work done in time, and you're even rude to customers! We always get complaints about how bratty and unprofessional you are! This was your last strike. You're fired." 

"Wait, sir please just give me one more chance! I need this job!" Tommy had to hold back the tears that were swelling up in his eyes. 

"You may be eighteen, but you act like you're sixteen! You're too childish and immature! Ever since we hired you our business sales have plummeted. Goodbye, Tommy." Before Tommy could continue, his boss hung up.

Tommy's arms dropped to his sides and he squeezed his hoodie. He was so done, how would he afford to pay rent now? Would he have to go back to the streets again? 

He pushed the thought away and just stood there for awhile, still in shock. There was a war waging on in his head. He had no clue what to do now.

Well, the best thing would be to find another morning job, right? He rubbed his eyes, only to finally notice he had been crying. Since when? Tommy thought he'd been holding it in. 

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