Chapter 8

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Shit, shit, shit! Oh Prime. He'd been caught red-handed. Literally. He glanced down to what was left of the apple in his hands and gobbled it up, core and all. Food is food, y'know! Can't let any of it go to waste, especially in these trying times.

He tried moving more but his legs wouldn't work. It was that foreign, frightening feeling again, like what's he'd been feeling for the last few months after high pitched ding noises played. 

What the shit. Maybe it was just the after effects of healing his own fatigue and hunger.

"I have more food?.." The voice that was currently hidden on the side of the tree spoke again.

Food. Ugh, food... his stomach started growling again just thinking about it. He then heard a quiet snicker following it, making him jump a big.

He must have been so insulted his legs started working again, because he suddenly almost stumbled over onto the floor. His legs were still shaking in fear though. What if this was a kidnapper?! If he was kidnapped it would suck for the kidnapper anyways because his life has literally no physical value; also the fact that he was famously bad company.

He hunched over and shakily walked over to and huddled close to the tree, peeking out just to see bright chocolate brown eyes staring back at his own lifeless now greyish blue ones. 

"Hey there little guy." The man said. He didn't sound too shocked, or much like anything.. damn, this guy was good at manipulation. Or maybe he's just stupid or hungry. It's probably the latter because he's proud to say he'd mastered tone indication years ago. He tucked his head back out of sight. He was also certainly not a "little guy".

"Wait— don't go! I have food, remember?" A bribe. He was really hungry still though. And food was right there. What does he even have to lose anymore? Tommy took another step forward, only to trip on his own feet and tumble over face-forward, face planting into the ground.

"Holy shit kid!" He heard the man get up and approach him. He then felt a hand on his back. And he flinched, hard. He yelped and rolled over defensively to kick him away. 

The man looked shocked now, slightly concerned. His hands were in the air, almost like a surrender.  "Oh my—" We met eyes again. "Wait- you're— human?"


"What the fuck are you on about man? Of course I am dickhead!" Tommy shouted, still on the ground.

"Sorry I— it's just, you smelt like-" he paused and looked at me again. "Nevermind, sorry. I didn't mean to spook you."

"You smell like a nerd." It's true. And look like one, I mean take a look at that outfit.

"I- what?" He looked confused now.

"Nerddddd" Tommy taunted.

"Kid, I-" he started.

"Not a kid! I'm respectfully eighteen years old." Tommy interrupted. He gave Tommy a skeptical look up and down again, but he didn't comment about anything. He just reset his facial expression again. Like a weirdo.

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