Chapter 12

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He woke up on the floor, leaning against the side of a—bed?? What the fuck? He leaped up into the air, only to instantly fall face first back into the carpeted floor. 

What in the name of prime is happening here. What did his body feel so... heavy? And he felt so.. He didn't know how to describe it. He felt something like... anger? Longing? 



Longing is the last thing he should be feeling right now. He doesn't even know where he is. His senses feel messed up and cloudy and everything looks blurry. He heaved himself up, using the bed for support. Once he was—sort of—standing he took a look at the room. It was fairly small. 

Lots of places to slip into, such as a closet, drawers, and the bed. That's good. Better to hide. There was a pile of blankets in the corner, and he felt—some sort of attraction to them. A part of his brain—which was currently the majority of his mind, for some reason—was begging him to get closer. 

And so before he knew it, he was looking over the blankets. He had this strange feeling that the blankets—strangely—looked more comfortable than the bed. So he crouched down and started rearranging the blankets to his liking. 

Once he was finished, the blankets resembled the clothes he would pile and use as a cushion to sleep on. It was built into a small bowl shape; compact enough to barely and tightly fit him and him alone safely. The blankets felt odd, in a way. He felt comforted and calmer in the tightly wrapped circle, but he didn't know why. 

But that's when the first scent he'd smelt since he woke up filled his sense of smell. It smelled sweet, and probably delicious. He thought he would start drooling right there. He hadn't eaten in so long. Actually, when was the last time he ate?

He can't remember anything from before he woke up. His mind felt so foggy and overwhelming he couldn't think straight. Something in his mind seemed so overwhelming, like a feeling that wasn't there before and now it's taking over his brain. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't bring himself to actually care that much.

So he hops out of the safe comfort of his nest to follow the trail of scent that leads back over to where he'd woken up. And sure enough, on the nightstand beside the bed was a bowl with an assortment of fruits. He reached over and grabbed an apple and quickly took a big bite, only to gag and spit it out almost instantly, coughing violently while his eyes teared up from his oversensitive taste glands.

He must've been going so long without food his body started consuming itself slowly for energy. That must explain why he's feeling so fatigued and his loss of appetite lately, as well as why he can't eat the overbearingly sweet flavor of something as simple as an apple, no matter how tasty it looks to be on the outside. Not to mention the fact that he's basically just snowy pale skin and bones now.

He put the apple back and replaced the now empty space in his hand with an avocado. The real problem was figuring out how to eat it without the skin. He scanned the small room, looking for something sharp he could use to remove the avocado skin, but in the end he found nothing sharp that he could use.

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