Chapter 10

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There had been a blizzard a few days ago, so Wilbur hasn't been able to visit Tommy in a few days. But eventually he said fuck it, and left telling himself he was only doing it to check up the kid.

That leads him here, entering the forest. He has to find a way to get into that area again. Usually, he would follow his scent marks he left behind last time, but the snow had completely wiped them away.

So now he just had to walk aimlessly until he found his way there. It took him around 30 minutes to pick up a scent, and when he did, it wasn't a good one. It smelt of blood. A tangy coppery scent. 

One he'd gotten used to as a villain. But this time it was different; he knew who it belonged to. He instantly switched into a quick sprint and ran in the direction of the horrifying smell.

He pushed himself through a patch of aggressive bushes and looked around. Around the corner  was snow. Snow stained a color it should be; red. 

He dashed over, only to completely blanch as he looked horrified at the snowy floor. Tommy's body was laid out on his stomach, bleeding out all over the snow. His eyes were closed and one of his fists were clenched.

He bolted down to the floor and pulled him close, checking his pulse. He was praying to whoever was out there that the kid was alive.

He heard a pulse, but it barely there. Tommy was extremely pale. His body was freezing— his back was- bleeding? He lifted up the back of his hoodie to see a very bloodied shirt. What happened to his back.

He leaned fowards and smelt Tommy. He smelt weirder than before. The scent was stronger now, he could tell even over the blood. He smelt like— 

No way. There was no way. His eyes widened even more. He pulled up the back Tommy's shirt, and sure enough, it was just as he had feared. This late? How? He'd never heard of something like this. 

He had to get him to Phil, Phil could help. He's helped with this kind of thing before. He would know what to do. Wilbur looked down at Tommy's clenched fist. What was he holding on to?

He slightly pried it open. He was a bit shocked to see two charms. Two avian charms. A white feather with some kind of red gem on it that seemed to be from a young dove, and a sapphire necklace with a yellow feather on it that was probably from a duck judging by how fluffy it was.

 He couldn't take that from the kid, that would be disrespectful. What if the charms were from his parents? Or friends? Or deceased loved ones?

Wilbur re-closed Tommy's hand and carefully and started to quickly decided how to get him back.


The pain woke him up again, he couldn't run from it. Even from how exhausted he was, his body wouldn't let him rest. But Tommy felt warmer. Not warm, but not freezing to death. He still felt the snow around him, as well as—

He opened his eyes quickly. Everything was still spinning, he couldn't see anything but— he gasped and screamed. Green. He kicked the green and it let go of him suddenly. He started thrashing in the snow, trying to hide from the green. 

Not again. How did he find him? He didn't want to go back. He already hurt so bad. He felt it try to grab him again. He screamed louder. 

No no no no no no.

He began sobbing, still screaming as the green spread and trapped him in place. 

And then he let out a loud noise. He shrieked, loudly.

He gasped and shut his mouth, completely pausing his struggling. 

That wasn't a humane sounding shriek. What the hell. What the hell.

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