Chapter 13

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Note: I've decided to change Ace(Quackity)'s villain name to Jackpot, Ace just sounds really goofy to me now. That means either before, during, or after this chapter is posted I'll be going through all the chapters and changing it, also probably making some other changes and fixing stuff up, so just a pre-warning.

Tommy woke up uncomfortable; but it was not an unfamiliar uncomfortable. He woke up slowly, unable to register anything besides his very bones ached. He tried to move to get up, but realized he was pressed very firmly in a tight space, brown both underneath and on top of him. He also noted he was on his stomach.

Tommy felt trapped, and it was an awful feeling. He felt — caged; whatever that meant. The feeling felt awfully familiar, and again, although he couldn't put a finger on why, it wasn't a good familiar. 

So Tommy squirmed to the left, repeatedly bumping his head and back on the top of whatever he was under. He almost screamed with something caught on something else; he didn't know what it was, but it hurt like shit. He immediately froze and fell back down to the bottom of the floor to unlatch it. 

After a few moments, he sucked in a breath and screwed his eyes closed and started moving again, ignoring the constant burning pain. He crawled and crawled until he hit felt the pressure above him slowly start to disappear from the top part of his body.

Tommy kept crawling to get the rest of his body out, but basically face-planted into what was probably a wall before he could. He groaned and backed away slightly and finally blinked his eyes open and slipped his legs out from whatever was behind him one by one. 

He turned around and found that he was actually pressed under a bed. A large bed, in fact. So big that Tommy could barely see over it from his place on the floor squished against the small gap between the side of it and the wall behind him and the one the head of the bed was pressed against beside him.

But he panicked shortly after realizing; how did he even get here? This was definitely not his tree. Or his forest. Or even outside. Tommy hastily stumbled up onto his feet, only to immediately fall over after he couldn't find balance on his fee. He let out a panicked noise that made him instantly slap his hands over his mouth and curl into himself, his eyes blown wide.

He was not supposed to make that noise. 

It was animalistic.

Humans don't make that kind of noise.

Tommy thought he stopped doing this years ago when Dream taught him how wrong it was to be making those noises. It was something that always got him in trouble. Trouble meant being disciplined. Trouble meant being yelled at.

Trouble meant hurt.

Tommy doubled over and braced himself out of reflex, holding his breath. It was disgusting. He was disgusting. Even if Dream was gone. Even though Tommy ran away at least a year ago. What if Dream found him again and found out what he did? What if someone else heard and hurt him too? He was bad. A freak. He's been bad. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad-

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