1. Preventing the war

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"We have to stop the war from happening!" Jafar said and Maleficent glared at him.
"Why thank you for stating the obvious!" she snarled and Cruella looked up.
"What about an arranged marriage between a child of the northside and a child of the southside? That could be the alliance we need to prevent the war." she suggested.
"Well let's see... Your son is a coward. I'd never let my daughter anywhere a southsider." Maleficent said and she turned to Jafar and the Evil Queen.
"So either your son, Jay or your daughter Evie." Maleficent said as she looked at Jafar and turned to the Evil Queen.
"My son is in a relationship with Cruella's kid." Jafar said and Cruella rolled her eyes, she hated that relationship.
"My daughter could marry a southsider... the so called pirate prince for example." the Evil Queen said and Maleficent smiled.
"Then go talk to Hook about it." she said and the Evil Queen left.

Hook looked up as the Evil Queen showed up at his doorstep.
"Dangerous to be here." he said.
"I want to talk about a peace offer. To prevent the war between north and south."
Hook looked at the woman and scoffed.
"Like what?"
"An arranged marriage between my daughter and your son." the Evil Queen said and Hook considered it for a minute.
"They never met... But I'm willing to schedule an introduction for them... Because I accept your offer." he said and the Evil Queen smiled.
"How does tomorrow sound for the introduction?"
"I'll tell my son." Hook said and the Evil Queen left.

"You what!?" Evie yelled when her mom told her about the plan.
"You're going to marry Hook's son. In order to prevent the war between north and south." the Evil Queen said and Evie looked at her.
"You want me to marry a pirate!?"
"A pirate prince, there's a difference."
"It's still disgusting!"
"You haven't even met him yet."
"Which is the worst part!"
"You will meet him tomorrow and then your engagement will start."
"Mother you can't be serious!"
"I am. Now get your beauty sleep for tomorrow!"
Evie scoffed as she slammed the door of her room shut.

Harriette laughed loudly as her brother's face turned pale.
"You want me to do what now...?" he mumbled and Captain Hook looked at his son.
"You will get engaged to the daughter of the Evil Queen in order to prevent the upcoming war between north and south. You will meet her tomorrow." Hook ssid coldly and Cj was dying of laughter.
"Nice going brother! Getting engaged soon!" she said and Harriette chuckled.
"What is it Harry? Got cold feet?"
"Dad, you got to be joking, I- I can't marry a northsider!" Harry said.
"You can and you will, soon." Hook said and he left the room.
Harry rubbed a hand over his face.
"Please tell me this is some sort of nightmare...?" he whined and Harriette placed a hand on her brother's shoulder.
"Oh don't worry. Just wear your cleanest clothes and make sure your hair ain't as messy as usual."
"Harriette-!" Harry sissed and Cj looked at her brother.
"Harry, you could prevent the war by doing this... Wouldn't you want that?" she asked softly and Harry looked at his little sister.
"I mean, yea but- I'm by far not ready for something serious like that. Come on... both of you know me too well for that!" Harry said and Harriette grinned.
"You'll be fine... I hope?"
"Not helping!" Harry sissed.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now