10. Please...

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Harriette looked at Harry later that day, before the two sisters and both EQ and Hook had to return to the isle.
"So, how did day one of marriage go?" she asked and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Did you two celebrated your marriage yet?" Cj asked and Harriette swatted her little sister with a romantic novel which they were reading together.
"Oh my god..." Harry mumbled as his face turned bright red.
"So you did!" Cj exclaimed and Harriette grinned.
"Damn little brother, nice going."
"For fuck sake, leave me alone!" Harry cussed and his two sisters laughed loudly as they enjoyed their brother's embarrassment.
"Yes mom...." Evie said a few feet away from the three Hook siblings and Harry glanced at her as EQ was lecturing her about god knows what...
"Maybe you should safe her from that conversation." Harriette whispered and Harry did walk over to Evie and her mom.
"Hey..." Harry said, wrapping one arm around Evie.
EQ glared at Harry and turned back to Evie.
"Just remember what I said." She sissed and Harry could tell that Evie was hurt as EQ walked away.
"You okay...?" He asked.
"Just my mom being my mom..." Evie mumbled.
"Harry!" Hook snarled and Harry sighed.
"And here comes my dad being my dad..."
Evie grinned softly under her breath as Hook walked over to those two.
"Hello father..." Harry mumbled.
"You're lucky that you get to stay on this side of the barrier. I believe the girl already told you?"
"About you and EQ forcing us into getting a kid for proof of the isle, yea."
"Good, don't mess up or else all of us end up in the war, your sisters included, while you live here in Auradon. Got it!?" Hook snarled and Harry briefly glanced at his sisters.
"Y- yes father..." he said softly and Hook glared at his son.
"Good. Now... Goodluck kid..." he said before he left with EQ and the two sisters.

Evie looked at Harry.
"So... Today was a lot..."
"Getting maried, hooking up for the first time and being set free from our abusive parents. Yea, a lot..."
"You're gonna miss your sisters, aren't you?" she asked as they saw that the guards returned, who escorted EQ, Hook and the two sisters back to the isle.
"Hard not to... We were together almost every moment of the day..." Harry admitted.
"Hey, I'm sure Ben would let you visit them any moment you want."

A few days passed and Evie decided to take a pregnancytest, negative...
So Harry and Evie had sex again a week later and again, Evie did a pregnancytest. Positive this time.
"Oh my god... Harry!" Evie yelled as she stood in the bathroom with the test in her hands.
"What!?" Harry yelled with concern as he ran to her.
"I'm pregnant..." Evie said with a huge smile and Harry's concern faded, making room for a huge smile.
"For real?"
Harry embraced Evie and kissed her cheek.
"I love you Blueberry..." he said softly.
"I love you, my pirate." Evie replied and she squeezed Harry's hand as realisation kicked in.
"I'm pregnant... We're gonna be parents!" Evie exclaimed and Harry smiled.
"Yea, we are."

But they weren't.
Evie was going to the bathroom the next week, seeing a bloody mess in her pants and panties, calling out for Harry.
They went to the hospital and their fear was truth, Evie had a miscarriage...

They sat on their couch the rest of the night, watching some movies about dumb animals as Harry tried to comfort Evie.
She was hurt that she lost their baby. She might've only been pregnant for a week, but she already got attached to the idea of raising a little boy or a little girl together with Harry.

It took them two months until Evie got pregnant again.
She told Harry again with such a happiness and Harry was enjoying Evie's happiness perhaps a bit more then the fact that he'd be a dad.
But he loved both things.
He kissed Evie and she looked at him.
"Should we wait this time... Before telling the others?"
"What you prefer love, whatever you prefer..." Harry said and Evie decided to give  Mal a call, who squealed over the phone.
"Oh my gods Evie! Congratulations!" Mal had yelled...

But once again, Evie got a miscarriage... Harry wasn't home and Evie decided to go to rhe hospital again. This was the second time she had a miscarriage and she needed to know why it happened...
Yes, she went alone. Not wanting to tell anyone yet.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now