7. To Auradon

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So the five of them were pocked up by two guards the next day, no Evie didn't stay during the night on the isle.
"You okay brother?" Harriette asked as the three siblings were sitting in his room.
"I'm actually nervous... Plus I am in love with Evie... What if it is just an arrangement to her?" Harry said and Cj sat doen next to him.
"Then she is stupid." she stated and Harry let out a chuckle.
Both sisters thought it wasn't funny anymore, their brother was nervous and worried. I mean, yea, the peace of the isle rested on his shoulders and Evie's.
"Hey, chin up. I've seen the way she looked at you." Harriette said with a sympathetic smile.
Harry looked at her.
"There are three things Evie lesrned ever since she was born. Always look pretty, never let a guy control you, and break hearts." Harry said and both his sisters knew he was right.
"Okay, yes. But still. No girl can fake that look in her eyes." Harriette said.
"Harriette ships you with Evie!" Cj exclaimed and Harry eyed at his little sister.
"What the hell does a boat have to do tieht this?"
Both sisters groaned and Harry looked at them.
"She means that I'd like to see you two end up together. You two make a cute couple. You love her and I'm sure that she loves you two. But she's scared to show because of the same reason as you. And hell, you two are having the peace of the isle resting on your shoulders. So no mistake can be made. No wonder that neither of you confessed."
Harry sighed as he got up.
"Well, what if I can't?"
"...can't what?" Cj asked.
"Getting married to Evie."
"Harry shut the hell up, if dad hears you... he'll kill you. I'm sorry brother but you have no choice..." Harriette said as she looked st her brother with concern.
"KIDS TIME TO GO!" Hook called out from downstairs and Harry swallowed.
"Oh crap..." he mumbled.
Cj hugged Harry and Harriette leaned her hand on his shoulder for a brief moment beforr the three of you went downstairs.

Evie was sitting in her dorm with Mal, Jay and Carlos.
"Hold on, you actually got feeling for that guy? E, that's not great..." Jay mumbled.
"Why not? She has to marry him either way?" Carlos said and Evie sighed.
"It's not like I can just turn my feelings off... Mal, what time is it?"
"13.21pm. An hour and 39 minutes to go." Mal said and Evie never felt so much pressure before. Despite the fact she felt always pressure from her mom... this was worse, so much worse.
"Oh I feel like throwing up..." Evie mumbled.
"Hey, take it easy... What if Harry actually loves you too? Then it's all great, right?" Carlos said.
"And if he doesn't, it's gonna suck." Jay added.
"Especially since my mom and Captain Hook demanded us to get a kid as proof... For some reason they only told me..." Evie said and Mal dropped her phone.
"E, that's bad. Especially since Harry doesn't know that yet. You gotta tell him that part as soon as you can." she said.
"Which will probably be after the wedding..." Jay stated and Evie groaned.
"This is all too much to handle! I can't even think clearly anymore..." she mumbled and Mal kicked the two boys out nefore hugging Evie, trying to comfort her.

Harry sighed as he saw that Jay and Carlos waited for the five of them.
"Look who arrived." Jay said and Carlos duck behind him.
"Oh fuck..." Harry mumbled, realising it would be less then two hours now.
"You four have to follow those two guards, Harry has to come with us." Jay said and he saw that there were now four guards.
"Or four guards..." he mumbled.
"Don't screw up." Hook snarled towards harry, who swallowed.
Harriette and Cj looked at Harry for a brief moment before walking away with Hook, EQ and thr four guards.
"Come on. Mal is helping Evie to get ready." Carlos said softly and Harry sighed.
"This is gonna be a disaster regardless..."
"Just come with us. Evie told us of everything how it's been 'planned' and shit." Jay said and Harry groaned softly before following Jay and Carlos.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now