5. Denial

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Evie's face lit up the next day when she saw Harry, wearing the hat.
She ran to him with a huge smile.
"You're actually wearing it!" she said and Harry looked at her.
"Well why else would you give it to me... Did you really make it yourself?"
"Yea, I did. I'm so glad that it fits, I wasn't sure but it seems to be great."
Evie looked at Harry.
"I never meant for that... that would happen...  I'm really sorry Harry."
Harry looked at Evie, he knew that she meant it...
"Whatever... Can't turn back time..." he mumbled and Evie looked at Harry.
"Do you think that you could ever forgive me?"
"Eventually, probably..."
"Yea... I mean you did try to make it up with me..."
"Look I-"
"Don't. You didn't mean for this to happen and all. Just, forget about it okay?" Harry said and Evie hugged him, catching him off guard.
"Eh... Blueberry?"
"Hm?" Evie said, looking up at him without letting him go.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm hugging you...?"
"To show affection...?"
"Diagusting." He said and Evie let go of him.
Then Harry looked at Evie with an embarrassed smile.
"Do it again."
Evie smiled and did so, this time Harry wrapped his arms around Evie and rested his head on her shoulder.

To the present...

Harry sighed.
Evie was in Auradon now for a year... She would turn eighteen soon, then the two of them were supposed to get married.
Things got tense on the isle, saying that the Evil Queen and Evie broke their part of the arrangement when Evie went to Auradon.
But they convinced everyone to be patient...
But Harry couldn't marry Evie...
Becauee he did love her, while it was all just an arrangement to her (or so he thought).

Evie sighed.
"So, turning eighteen tomorrow!" Mal squealed.
"Ben is letting me go to the isle... Since y'know..."
"You and Harry, yea... How are you feeling about that?"
"Horrible. I love him Mal, but what if he just thinks it's just the arrangement to keep peace on the isle?"
"Calm down. You go to the isle, talking to you mom, Harry and Captain Hook... then we'll see what happens next. Ben said you and Harry could get married here in Auradon if you want..."
"I know, but what about Harry himself? What if he backs out because it's just an arrangement or-?"
"Gods, E, please calm down... You'll be okay. Harry would be a fool not to be in love with you by now. With all the shit you two havr been through together..."
"But still Mal, what if he doesn't?"
"Evie, relax. Come on. The core four and the AK's are gonna celebrate your birthday today. And tomorrow on your actual birthday, you go figure things out on the isle."
"Okay..." Evie said as she fixed her make-up before heading out with Mal.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now