9. Marriage

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All eyes were focussed on Harry and he closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry..." he mumbled and he walked away.
"Goddammit..." he heared Hook cuss and his father came after him.

"What the hell was that!?" he yelled as he was alone with Harry.
"I- I couldn't- I mean-"
"I tried to be nice, but that didn't work. You gotta get back out there and marry that damn girl!"
Then Hook slapped Harry in the face.
"NOW." Hook barked.
Harry looked at his father and Hook sighed.
"For fuck sake... Harry... I... Look, I know I suck at parenting. But this is so much bigger then just you and the damn girl. Get back out there an marry her, do you understand!?" Hook said and Harry decided it was probably for the best.

He apologised to the people and FGM asked him the same question again.
Evie knew Harry wasn't feeling great as he actually said 'yes' and she asked him to come outside with him... alone.
So they could talk.
Everyone was busy inside anyway with the whole 'they're married happiness' and crap.

Evie looked at Harry.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Harry's right eye was turning a bit blue/purple and he nodded.
"Yea... I guess..."
"Why did you say yes when you didn't want to?"
"Trust me, I am happy to be with you... Just... the circumstances and everything suck."
"I actually am in love with you Harry... I have been ever since the whole thing with the hat..."
Harry looked at Evie and his jaw dropped.
"You actually love me...?"
"Stupid am I right?" Evie chuckled briefly and Harry smiled a little.
"I am in love with you too... That's why I couldn't at first... I was scared you'd only see this as the arrangement and I-"
Then Evie kissed him, they both melted into the kiss and Harry wrapped his arms around her.
"For fuck sake Blueberry..."
"I got my man... And the isle gets their peace..." Evie mumbled and Harry embraced her tightly.
"I promise to always be there for you Evie... No matter what..."
"Good, because there is one thing which my mom and your dad made me promise..."
"Oh dear..." Harry mumbled.
"They want us to get a kid... As proof to the isle that we didn't just got married..."
"They want us to do what?"
"I'm not looking forward to that either but... I'm scared if we don't..."
"That there will be a war regardless... Dammit..." Harry mumbled.
"Harry, I actually would start a family with you... But I'm scared to... We both have fucked up parents and I don't want to be a fucked up one."
"Then you won't... We won't. We saw how our parents are... We'll just do the opposite and hell... You would be an amazing mom... Have you seen yourself with Dizzy? You're not just a big sis to her, but also a huge momma bear when it's about protecting Dizzy."
Evie hugged Harry and he sighed.
"Did they also say when they wanted us to try... y'know...?"
"In the first year of our marriage, that's when they want us to get a child."
"So I would have to get you pregnant between now and three months?"
"Harry-!" Evie cussed as she saw a smirk on his face.
"What? I'm not wrong." Harry said with a chuckle and Evie rolled her eyes.
"How abiut we try tonight? Our parents and your sisters will have to return to the island today... But you are allowed to stay in Auradon because of today..." Evie said and Harry felt his cheeks burn.
"Tonight huh... That's quick..."
"Hey, I was kidding."
"Were you?"
This time Evie was blushing and Harry kissed her gently as he cupped her face in his hands...

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now