8. Wedding

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Evie was wearing a sleek blue dress and she was busy fixing her make-up.
"M, what if one of us breaks?" she asked as she applied her mascara.
"Then war breaks out on the isle..." Mal answered truthfully.
"Hey girls!" Ben said as he walked in.
"Ben!" Mal said and Evie despised their relationship now more then ever, thinking she'd never have something like that.
"I came to tell you that Jay and Carlos took care of Harry. The guys are ready. Your mom, his dad and his sisters are also... fine? I think..."
"If they're sassy, yes. Then they're fine." Evie sighed and Ben looked at her.
"Are you okay?"
"I already explaines the situation to you..." Evie mumbled.
"Evie is nervous because she has feelings for Harry but is scared that he only thinks of this as the arranged marriage..." Mal said and Ben looked at Evie.
"I can't imagine either way what you're going through... Do you need anything?"
"Just... Can both of you leave me alone for a minute? I'll be there in time. Don't worry..." Evie said and Mal hugged Evie softly before leaving with Ben.

Harry's sister looked at him.
"Damn Harry, mever thought I'd live the day you'd wear a suit." Harriette said.
"Can't wait 'till I can take it off..." Harry mumbled.
"You look handsome big bro." Cj said.
"Oh who cares!? Don't mess this up or the isle break out into war!" Hook shouted and Harry swallowed.
"I... I know father..."
"Good." Hook snarled.
"Hey, breathe. You'll be fine." Harriette said and Cj looked at Harry.
"Yea, you got this."
"Thanks girls..." Harry mumbled and Hook rolled his eyes.
"Are you three done yet? It's almost time." he said and Harry looked at his sisters.
"Would you two mind... I wanna talk to father for a minute..." he said and Harry's sisters left.
"Father, I don't know if I can do this..." Harry mumbled and Hook eyed at him.
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't know if I can marry Evie... I love her father, but what if this is all just the arrangement to her?"
Hook sighed, losening up a bit.
"Listen son, whenever she loves you or not. You do have to marry her. Otherwise the isle will end up being a warplace filled with death. I've been puttinf pressure on you, I know... But this is bigger then you loving that girl. It's about the entire isle." Hook saod calmly and Harry closed his eyes as he replied.
"I know father... But I can't help but think about it..."
"Son, look at me."
Harry opened his eyes again and felt how his bottom lip was trembling a little.
"I can't do this father..." he said and Hook embraced his son.
"You can and you have to. The entire isle is counting on you son... Don't let them down..."
"No. No buts. You must do this."
Harry swallowed and Hook adjusted Harry's suit.
"Now, go get your lady. She's lucky to have you..." Hook said as he meant it and Harry smiled weakly.
"Yes father..." he mumbled as he took a deep bresth before going to the others.

Evie was nervous and Mal helped her get the last things done.
"Okay, let's do this..." Mal said and Evie took a deep breath.
Usually someone would walk the bride down the aisle... But not now.
Evie was too nervous and anxious for that. She needed her space and she was given it.
Her jaw nearly dropped as she saw that Harry was actually wearing a suit, she could tell he was nervous too.
Evie stood in front of him and FGM would marry them to eachother.

Harry saw that Evie was nervous too, he didn't blame her. Especially since he was nervous as fuck too.
"Alright. Now let's get this show on the road." FGM said with a smile and Harry gulped softly.
Evie took his hands, as FGM told her and Harry looked at Evie as FGM was talking hundreds about love, marriage and everything.
'Come on Harry... For the isle... You love Evie either way...' he thought to himself.
Evie took a deep breath and she looked st Harry.
'Just a few more moments... Then I'll be married to him... Hopefully he loves me too...' Evie thought to herself and FGM looked at Evie.
"Now, Evie Grimhilde... Will you take Harry Hook as your legal husband, loving and suporting him, untill death takes you two apart?" she asked and Evie looked at Harry.
"Yes..." she said softly.
"Harry Hook... Will you take Evie Grimhilde as your legal wife, loving and suporting her, untill death takes you two apart?" FGM asked and Harry looked at Evie.

Arranged marriage (Harry Hook x Evie Grimhilde) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now